School Council News
13 December 2024
School Council News
13 December 2024
Our latest school council meeting was held onsite at 6pm on Tuesday 12 November. School Council came together in the new F Wing Learning Centre for the second last time this term and year!
Several reports from the leadership teams were validated, all of these involve the student body as well as the infrastructure of our school.
Some highlights:
Another report that is presented every meeting is from our Business manager Nat Rieger and the overall review of the financial in and outs of the school. The draft new school contribution structure has been outlaid for 2025 and parents should not hesitate to discuss this with administration staff.
Thank you to all the staff members, students and parents, who prepare for these meetings every month.
Elisabeth Waycott
School Council Vice President
Reflecting on the past year, it’s inspiring to see how the whole school community has supported the growth and success of every student. The School Council has played a small but key role, assisting with strategy, policy, and financial oversight. While this governance role might sound a bit dry, it’s always engaging!
The School Council is made up of elected and co-opted parent, staff, and student representatives, each bringing a diverse range of skills, experiences and perspectives. We work collaboratively and respectfully to ensure the school operates transparently and in the best interests of its students and community. One of the highlights of our meetings this year has been hearing from the Student Representatives (and School Captains), who provide valuable insights into student opinions and regularly report on the diverse academic and co-curricular activities and achievements within the student body. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that such a long list of activities has taken place in just a month! Another highlight was starting the year with a meeting in the beautiful new F-wing, the culmination of Stage 1 of the school’s building program. The state-of-the-art learning spaces in this building are no doubt appreciated by the students. Looking ahead, Stage 2 of the works is now in the pipeline and with the school’s growth - and the benefits this brings - capital works are essential to ensure that Mullauna can continue to meet the community's needs into the future.
The School Council is delighted to see the successful launch of the Mullauna Parent & Community Association (P&CA). This new initiative has created an extra layer of engagement with families and is providing essential support to the school. The P&CA has already had a significant impact through its successful fundraising efforts and valuable assistance at school events, such as the annual Art Show.
The Council has had a busy year, reviewing monthly finances, discussing and endorsing school policies, and handling other key tasks. Early in the year, we endorsed the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), which puts the 4-year School Strategic Plan into action. The AIP details how the school will implement its goals and key improvement strategies for the coming year. The school has already made significant progress on its Strategic Plan, as reflected in student results. The principal team, teachers, support staff and students should be very proud. The Annual Report to the School Community was discussed and endorsed at a school council meeting in Term 1. This report highlights the school’s achievements and progress and fulfills a reporting requirement. It includes details on student outcomes, attendance, and financial activities. Presented at a public school council meeting in July, it is now available on the school web site. More recently, the School Council has focused on 2025, approving the indicative cash budget (anticipated revenue and expenditure) and family contributions for the next year.
Thank you to all the School Council members who have generously dedicated their time and expertise to make this year a success. As my youngest child finishes Year 12, my term on the Council is coming to an end. I encourage all parents, whether you have one child or several at the school, to consider standing for election next year. It’s a great way to show your commitment to your child's education and our school community. Your involvement can make a real difference and help continue the positive impact on our school. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to work with a fantastic team!
Liesl Coulthard
School Council President