Sport Update

College Swimming Carnival
The 2025 Elisabeth Murdoch College Swim carnival was held at Doveton pool on Monday. The sun was out and house colours were in full force! The pool was packed with students competing in races all day, with some fantastic results across the board. Our new Year 7s were a buzz, with multiple heats for all races and the splash and dash was an absolute hit with lifeguards having to ask less kids to get into the pool at once. A great problem to have!
Our Year 12 dress up theme was Famous groups, and boy did they deliver! From Disney princesses, minions and our swimmers were super safe with Bondi Rescue lifeguards doing the rounds. Congratulations to all Year 12s for the day, looking forward to seeing your costumes at Athletics day later this year.
The highlight of the day was the Staff/Student relays. Organised by our Sport captains, Will Mayers and Hannah McIntyre, teams of 4 students had to recruit a staff member to be their 5th competitor. The signing of some big names, such as Assistant Principals; Mrs. Wade and Mr. Price were impressive, but the biggest free agent signing was that of our College Principal Mr. King! Controversy erupted with a super star staff team entering the competition. Apparently there were a few staff filthy they were not approached by students (Ms. Brennan to not name names), and after the heats we had a packed race for the final as the last race of the day. All teams gave a really impressive showing but in the end it was team of Austyn Inman, Alex Ianculescu, Will Harley Edmonds, Zeb Duncan and staff recruit Mr. McInnes.
On behalf of the whole College, congratulations to all competitors and thank you for an amazing College Swim Carnival.
Next Swim event: Division Swimming Championships 18th March, 2025.
Senior Sport
Our Senior students headed off to compete at Senior Interschool sport on Thursday.
EMC were represented by 11 teams, the most of any school within the Division.
Students competed in multiple sports: Cricket, Volleyball, Tennis and Baseball/Softball.
All students showed fantastic sportsmanship across all sports, a credit to all students that competed.
Results on the day were fantastic!
- Senior girls cricket: Won- off to Region finals
- Senior boys cricket: Won- Off to Region Finals
- Senior Boys Tennis: Won- Off to Region Finals
- Senior Softball- Off to Region Finals
- Senior Girls Tennis- Off to Region finals
Congratulations to all students and a massive thank you to all coaches on the day:
Mr. Kingston, My. Macfarlane, Mr. Aldham, AFL Trainee Imani Kollen and Mr. Wilsmore.