Attendance Matters

Dear parents/carers & students,


Welcome to our first edition of our Attendance Matters communication for 2025.  As a College we are continuing to strive towards improving students attendance, and the importance of arriving at school on time and ready to learn each day.  



If you know your child will be late due to an appointment or needs to leave early we do have processes in place that need to be followed.  


Sign In Process

  • Students should be reminded if they arrive late, they must sign in at student services and they will receive a (late pass) pink slip.
  • Students will need to give their late pass to their Home Group teacher or session one classroom teacher (depending on the time they arrive at school).


 Sign Out Process

  • If a student needs to leave early, parents will be required to enter an attendance note on compass. Students will not be sent to student services from class without a parental note on compass.
  • If a student is returning to school after being at an appointment, they will be required to sign back in at student services.

The College aims to have all absences approved. From a parent/carers perspective, for this to be achieved, we are asking parent/carers to log onto compass through the parent portal and record the reason for the child’s absence. If the late arrival is due to an appointment, please upload the medical certificate to compass. If you require any support with this process, please contact your child’s home group teacher.



EMC Attendance Team