Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the second last newsletter for 2024. I can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of the year. The time has certainly flown. We have achieved so much this year, and provided so many enriching experiences for our students. We finish on Friday 20th December at 1.30pm with the school gathering at 1.15pm to farewell the Grade 6 students as they sing their graduation song in front of the whole school. Please join us to bid them an appropriate farewell. We will have a whole school assembly at 9.00am on the last day to say farewell to staff who are leaving. Students in Years 1 to 6 start on Thursday 30th January 2025, with our new Prep students beginning on Thursday 6th February 2025. We have so much to do and so much planned over the next few weeks including Grade 6 Graduation and fun day at Adventure Park, Step Up Day, Meet the Teacher and much more. We look forward to ending the year on a positive note.
We are at the time of year where staff are choosing whether to stay at Melton West Primary School next year or find new opportunities or challenges at other schools for various reasons. I wish to thank all staff who have made this decision for their hard work and dedication to the students. We have the following staff leaving at the end of year and wish them all the best in their new endeavours:
There may be other farewells announced before the end of year, we will aim to keep you up to date. While it is difficult to farewell staff, we are working hard to recruit. At this stage we have managed to fill most of our vacancies for 2025 and look forward to them joining the team as we work together to provide the best learning opportunities for our students. I will continue to recruit over the holidays and apologise in advance to those classes who will not know their teacher before the end of this year.
Teachers are currently finalising the reports for students for this semester. These are due to be sent home on Tuesday 17th December. If you have any questions about anything in the report, please contact your teacher – either via Class Dojo or by leaving a message at the office for them to call you.
Step Up Day:
On Tuesday 10th December most of our Grade 6 students attended the secondary school they will go to next year. We took the opportunity to place the rest of the classes into the groups they will be in next year on this day every year. They will spend most of the day with this group of children. Teachers will take note of the interactions of the group and make changes if necessary. The teacher they have on Step Up Day will not necessarily be their teacher for 2025. They will find out who their teacher is on Thursday 19th December.
Meet the Teacher:
Students returning to Melton West Primary School in 2025 will spend time with their 2025 teacher on Thursday 19th December from 9.00 – 11.00. We will give each child a slip of paper with the name of their 2025 teacher and the classroom number for 2025. Please keep this handy for reference in the new year.
Ms Ralph’s Baby:
Audrey Marie Wilson 💜arrived on her due date 22/11/2024. Her sister Lily has stepped up into her big sister role wonderfully, while also enjoying her extra special time with her grandparents.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa