Team Foundation News

2024 a year of many happy memories!
It is hard to believe that our 2024 Foundation year is soon to be over! The Foundation students have indeed experienced many wonderful activities and made enormous leaps and bounds in their learning journey. My mind has been blown out of the water with the learning this cohort has achieved throughout the year and I look forward to seeing further progress in 2025!
This week, the Foundation students reflected on the multitude of activities that they took part in throughout 2024. They were asked to choose their favourite activity and share it with the grade. Below are their responses…
My favourite activity in 2024 was.....
Adrian - My favourite activity was making the puppets because I really like Red Riding Hood.
Dakota - My favourite activity was when we had the Urban Upcycle incursion because we got to make different things out of rubbish.
Ellery - My favourite activity was when I did Maths with the Grade 1s. I enjoyed learning about factors of 20 such as (0.5, 10, 5, 2, 4, 1and 20) because I really liked thinking about numbers.
Alicia - My favourite activity was going swimming because it was fun.
Mia - My favourite activity was going swimming because I enjoyed being in warm water.
Alex - My favourite activity was making the Princess and the Pea bed because I got to stick a lot of pieces of paper onto the paper and I liked cutting all the paper into strips.
Bella - My favourite activity was making the Princess and the Pea picture because I really liked making the different coloured mattresses.
Hannah - My favourite activity was playing the Maths game called Get out of my house because you get to knock your buddy's counter out of the house!
Heather - My favourite activity was going to swimming because I love swimming and I got lots of swimming practise to help me to swim when I go to Sydney in the Summer holidays.
Rayan - My favourite activity was writing with Ms. Lowe because it was so much fun learning how to write.
Rosha - My favourite activity was when we made our Topsy Turvy Tales mini dolls because it was so fun.
Chloe - My favourite activity was swimming because I only go swimming at summer time and I love to swim!
Foundation Star Week 8
Week 8 - Rayan
In Week 8 Rayan was the Foundation Star for FKJ. Rayan shared a number of lovely photos on his Timeline. By looking carefully at these pictures, we all learnt that when Rayan was a baby he looked just like his Dad when he was a baby. We also learnt that he likes to go for walks outside with his family and visit the beach. When Rayan shared his Show Bag items, we learnt that he owns a plastic T- Rex dinosaur, his favourite soft toy is a panda and he likes to spell words on his word flip book! For his personal talent, Rayan drew a picture of his favourite panda toy. He worked hard to make sure that the picture looked exactly the same as his toy. Well done Rayan for sharing your life with us this week! We learnt so much about you! Thank you also for patiently waiting to be the final Foundation Star of the year for FKJ!
Topsy Turvy Tales Creativity Incursion with Mrs Hortin - Wednesday 11th of December
On Wednesday 11th of December, Mrs Hortin came into FKJ to run a special creativity incursion. FKJ students created a wonderful piece of artwork that represented one of the many fairy tales that we have been looking carefully at this term. This fairy tale was the story of, 'The Princess and the Pea' written by Hans Christian Anderson.
Students used colourful paper to create the bed scene where the princess had to sleep on 20 mattresses with a pea hidden at the very bottom of the bed, a test to find out if this girl was indeed a real princess! Students used skills such as; carefully using their scissors to cut along a straight line, pasting as well as listening carefully to instructions and remembering these instructions, in order to complete this art work.
At the end of the two hours, all FKJ students had completed their artwork and even put a picture of themselves sleeping on top of the bed and a green pea at the bottom of the bed! Well done FKJ for completing this creative piece!
After lunch students were given a small wooden doll and were asked to transform this object into their favourite Fairy Tale character that they were introduced to this term. Look at their amazing creations!
What a wonderful day! Thank you so much Mrs Hortin for showing us how to think creatively and make these wonderful creations! We all had so much fun!
End of year reminders
In the next few days we will begin to pack up our classroom to get ready for 2024. Foundation students will be slowly taking home workbooks and other pieces of work. We ask that when work does go home, please remove it from your child's bag so that they have more room the following day.
Next Friday, 13th of December, will be the last day that your child will bring a home reader. We will spend the last week of term collecting books and collating these resources. If you do find any extra take home readers, could you please return them to school before the final day of the 2024 school year, Friday 20th of December.
Your child's Art smock and blue headphones will also be sent home at the end of the year. Could you please return these to school at the beginning of 2025.
If your child has not returned any borrowed Library books, could you please do so as soon as possible.
Finally I would like to send my sincere thanks to all Foundation parents and families for the support they have given throughout the year. I wish you and your extended family a wonderful and safe Summer break and look forward to seeing you in 2025!
Team Foundation Teacher
Kirstin Jones.