Upcoming Events




Wednesday 5th                            1st Day of school for Prep Students  - finish at 2pm

Thursday 6th                                 Preps finish 2:00 p.m.

Friday 7th                                       Preps finish 2:00 p.m.

Tuesday 11th                                Year 1 - 6 Getting to know you Interviews

                                                          Year 6 Hands on Science Incursion

Tuesday 11th -                              Grade 4 Swimming

Friday 21st


Wednesday 12th                          Year 6 Hands on Science Incursion

                                                           Year 1 -6 Getting to Know You Interviews


Wednesday 19th                           Year 4-6 House Swimming


Thursday 20th                                School Photos 2025


Friday 28th                                       Clean Up Australia 




Sunday 2nd                                       Year 6 & Year 1 Working Bee 9.00am - 12.00


Tuesday 4th                                       Year 1 Incursion

                                                               Sushi Day 


Wednesday 5th                                 District Swimming


Monday 10th                                      Public Holiday - Labour Day - No OSHC


Wednesday 12th                               NAPLAN

Friday 14th


Monday 17th                                      NAPLAN

Friday 21st


Friday 21st                                           Harmony Day - Dress Up Day 


Monday 24th                                       NAPLAN 


Monday 24th-                                     Year  3   Swimming

Thursday 27th                                       


Sunday 30th                                        Prep Working Bee


Monday 31st -                                     Year 3 Swimming

Thursday 3rd April                   




Friday 4th                                               Last Day of Term 1 - School finishes 2:30 p.m.