OSHC Report

Term 4 End of Year OSHC Report


What a year it has been from an OSHC perspective, What started with 2 children at the start of term 2 ended with up to 7-13 children on daily. What a year of growth at Macleod College.


We were the first ever TheirCare school to go on a pupil free day excursion, in fact, we went on 2 with more to come in 2025. We went to Macleod Village Park and Jiji café as well as fish and chips


The children enjoyed a wide range of activities this year including Children being teachers and teaching fellow OSHC children how to make origami. Children also enjoyed a wide range of physical activities such as soccer, Basketball and group games such as octopus and fruit Salad. It was a joy to see children who do not always enjoy going outside come out of there shells and participating in group games.


Arts and crafts has also been a hit, children have been making all sort of creative craft such as necklaces and pyramids. Children been using there initiative to work hard on creative projects .Children were inspired by a lot of interests they have on the outside in their personal life, it ranges from sport to barbie to leggo.


All in all 2024 had been nothing short of a successful year, children have welcomed me in with open arms and a have adapted to our new expectations and acknowledgment of country, We now have NEW OSHC LEADERS, who will be leading the way in 2025. I am proud to announce our captain will be Edith Jones and her deputy captains will be Levi Galanti and Abigail Hammond. Those 3 have earned there roles and will continue to do myself and Theircare proud.


I would also like to congratulate our OSHC student of the years for their amazing work and dedication. Levi Galanti has come a long way and he’s behaviour and leadership has earned him the honour a long side Jessica Sophea Dimech. Its never easy being a prep coming into OSHC but her ability to settle and use her leadership was truly amazing and such a pleasure to witness.