From Our Students
Guest Reporters: Sienna and Layla
From Our Students
Guest Reporters: Sienna and Layla
Our Junior School Students have been doing a fantastic job at perfecting their routines! They have routines for how they line up, come into the classroom, and how they use their whiteboards! It has been great to see how much progress has been made with these routines.
They have been learning about healthy eating, and what a balanced lunch box looks like! Here are some example of our students amazing work!
A big welcome to our new Foundation class as well, it has been so great to see how well they have settled into Primary School. We have seen them being the best they can be, and taking on our school values. Well done for your first few weeks at KPS, we can't wait to continue seeing all the incredible things you will do!
They have been doing lots of amazing learning, like the days of week and also getting so good at counting! Well done Foundation!
Middle's have been doing a unit of learning all about Indigenous Culture. They have been learning about the culture, reading books, and designing their own artworks. They have enjoyed getting to know the culture of some of their peers which has been wonderful to see.
Our Guest Reporters this month, Layla and Sienna are from Middle school and they have loved learning about Witchetty Grubs, Yarning Circles, Kangaroos, Honey Ants and so much more from the Indigenous Culture. Layla is so proud of her culture and it feels special for her to learn and share more about it.
They have been reading books by an author Gregg Dreise, who has inspired the beautiful artworks that the students have created. Here is the artwork of some of our students:
Our Senior School students have been learning and creating posters about Australian Identity. This is all about Australian culture, and what we believe and value as a country.
Seeing our students take pride in the country they live, but also who Australians are as a whole has been wonderful. They have written about the freedom of belief, alongside equality and how we value respect and opportunity.
They have also written about how Australians have the right to believe in their cultures. An unwritten rule in our country is that we all help each other when in need - this was one of the favourite unwritten rule amongst the Seniors!