
MACS Medical Management Policy
The Medical Management Policy reflects the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirement for all registered schools to provide evidence of the school’s policies and procedures for:
– the duty of care owed to students, including:
- that it owes all students a duty of care to take reasonable measures to protect them from reasonably foreseeable risks of injury
- that different and sometimes greater measures may need to be taken for younger students or students with disabilities to discharge this duty of care
– the management of student wellbeing, including:
- arrangements for ill students
- an accident and incident register
- first aid
- distributing medicine
– the school’s records of student medical conditions and management
– an emergency management plan that addresses emergency and critical incidents which include circumstances that pose a critical risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of one or more students or staff.
This policy requires a Student Health Support Plan (SHSP) (see link below) to be developed between the school and the parents of the child to articulate implementation of required care, support and risk mitigation.
What is a Student Health Support Plan?
This plan documents how to manage the student's health at school, during excursion or school camps, as well as any educational adjustments due to the health condition, in carrying out the required care, support and risk mitigation.
This document details how school staff will provide the required support (who will provide the support, where will medication be stored, process for informing emergency teachers, what will happen on excursions, camps etc)
Who requires a Student Health Support Plan?
Applies at any time that a child with a diagnosed medical condition, health care need, complex medical need or requires personalised care and support is being educated and cared for at school.
How is a Student Health Support Plan developed?
The advice provided by the medical/allied health practitioner in the Medical Management Plan (MMP) (see link below) is used in consultation between the school and the family to document the SHSP. It is the document that the School and Parent create and agree upon and sign off.
What documents inform a Student Health Support Plan?
- Condition specific Medical Management Plans e.g. Asthma Action Plan, Diabetes Action Plan
- MACS Medical Management Plan
- Personal Care Plans e.g. mobility assistance, supervision of eating and drinking
- MACS Medication Authority Form
If the student requires medicine to be administered during school, then the following forms need to be completed: MACS Medication Authority Form and MACS Medical Management Form
Student Health Support Plans should be reviewed annually OR as required e.g. child's condition changes and MMP is updated; student changes school campus; principals instigate a review; student's medication has changed; before an excursion/trip/camp.
Below are the links to the forms required to be completed for the Student Health Support Plan. These forms have also been shared with families via Operoo.
**** Please note - Yes, some of these forms do still say 2023. These are still the current versions of these forms - no updates or revisions have occured ****
Entering the School Grounds
Families can enter the school grounds from the following entrances:
- Cotham Road pedestrian gate (closest to the Church), please walk into this area from the Cotham Road footpath. This is the only gate that you can access during the school day. Please ensure you walk between the bollards.
- Glenferrie Road gates (Kiss and Drop) - cars only (8.30am - 8.45am and 3.15pm - 3.35pm)
- Glenferrie Road Pedestrian Gate (8.30am - 8.45am and 3.15pm - 3.35pm). Parents and children are kindly reminded to walk around our main Admin building, away from the basketball court, and any cars that may be in this area each day.
- If adults need to go to the toilet when onsite at school, there is an adult toilet in the Prep corridor (lower level of the Prep - Two Admin building).
Junior Playground near Kiss and Drop (Out of bounds area before and after school)
A reminder that the Junior Playground near Kiss and Drop is an out of bounds area both before and after school due to health and safety issues.
Car Parking
A reminder to all parents that the front car park (Cotham Road) is for Staff Car Parking only. Parents are kindly asked to park in the surrounding streets if wanting to walk into our school grounds.
St John’s Parade ‘2 minute area’ protocols
If picking up or dropping off your child(ren) at St John’s Parade ‘2 minute area’, please do not park in this area and/or leave your car. This is solely a pick up and drop off point and constant traffic flow is vitally important in this busy street. If you wish to park your car and walk into the school grounds, please find a car park in the surrounding streets.
U-turns in the Trinity Staff car park driveway
Please also do not do a ‘u-turn’ in the Trinity staff car park driveway. This dangerous driving manoeuvre is causing a great deal of chaos for both our parents and the general public. After dropping or picking up your child(ren), please continue along St John's Parade to the very end.
Kiss and Drop Procedures
As mentioned above, our very successful Kiss and Drop procedure continues this year, with the Glenferrie Road side gates opening at 8.30am and closing at 8.45am each morning, and again opening at 3.15pm in the afternoon, and closing at 3.35pm.
Please remember the following procedures:
- Please make sure that your family name is on the visor of your car so we can have the children ready (Laminated surnames for Kiss and Drop have been sent home)
- Parents need to keep their engines running
- Parents are not to get out of their cars
- Children have to be able to do their own seat belts up when they are placed in the car
- Children enter and exit the vehicle from the left hand side of the car (school building side).
- Children's bags must be kept in the car (not the boot), so children or staff members can safely take these out. For obvious safety reasons, staff are unable to take bags from behind the car. Thanks for your understanding with this important safety measure.
- Please note: There is no pedestrian access at any time through the Glenferrie Road double gates. This is for cars only.
Thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation with these safety protocols.
Communication Platforms
Audiri App
A reminder that the school sends out information/communication via Audiri app.
This can be downloaded from the App Store. Search for ‘Sacred Heart School Kew’ once in Audiri app.
For parents already with the app, please make sure you update this regularly as notifications may not appear on your device if not updated from time to time. If experiencing difficulties, please see the attached document that will assist you in downloading the Audiri app.
Thank you to those parents who have completed and updated their child(s) Operoo medical profile and emergency contact information via the Operoo platform. This is very much appreciated.
Please update any changes to your address, phone number(s) and/or email addresses on Operoo whenever things change for you.
Please also make sure that whoever is the Primary Contact on your child(s) account, has also added the other parent as a Secondary Contact person, with the relevant email address.
When communication is sent out to families from specific year levels, we do share things with both the Primary and Secondary contacts, but this only works, if there is a Secondary Contact email address listed.
A number of forms have been uploaded this week for parents to complete.
- Photo Permission form
- Volunteer Application Form and other relevant information
- ICT Responsible Use Agreement (Prep - 2) and (Years 3 - 6)
- Sacred Heart Kew Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct
- Sacred Heart Kew Student Code of Conduct
- MACS Medical Management Plan
- MACS Medical Authority Form
- MACS Anaphylaxis Management Plan
Thanks for your prompt attention with these forms.
Student Supervision
Just a reminder that children are not to arrive at school before 8.30am. Teachers begin outside duty supervision at this time. If children arrive before this time they need to attend Before School Care.
Children arriving late to school
Just a reminder to families that children who arrive late to school in the morning are required to be signed in to the school office by an adult. If children are not at school by 9.30am (and no notification has been sent by parents), a follow up phone call will be made to parents, regarding the whereabouts of absent children. Punctuality is so very important in all our lives, none more so than in our children. Please aim to have your children here at school before the bell rings each day at 8.45am.
School Absences
A reminder to parents that if your child/ren are absent to please notify the school office or send notification through Skoolbag app. Please do so before 8.45am.
Children on holidays during school term
We understand that from time to time, children and their families go away on holiday during the school term. During this time, some parents request ‘homework’ for their children whilst travelling. If this is the case, the best ‘homework’ for children to complete, is to fully immerse themselves in their holiday.
The school encourages children to keep a journal, so they can write down their experiences along the way, but does not require or provide ‘homework’ for children to complete when they holiday within the school term. When children return to school from their holiday, they can share their stories and memories of their holidays with their teachers and classmates, who look forward to hearing all about their travels and welcoming them back.
Communication at Sacred Heart Kew
Your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call
From time to time, you may have information regarding your child that may be relevant to your child(s) classroom teacher. Or you may have a question or query, related to the classroom or another aspect of school life. In these instances, your child(s) classroom teacher is always the FIRST port of call.
Emailing Staff - Please do not directly email staff members.
As part of our communication policy at Sacred Heart Kew is that any email correspondence from parents to staff members needs to be sent to and this will then be forwarded on to the relevant staff member.
Parents are also reminded that any emails received outside of school hours and on the weekend, will not be replied to or followed up until the following school day. We thank you for your understanding with this matter.
School Uniform
A reminder that children are to wear their full summer school uniform in Term One. Please note that ALL children must also wear our Sacred Heart Kew School Hat. Children are also reminded that nail polish is not permitted and only small sleeper earrings are to be worn.
Being Sunsmart at Sacred Heart Kew
Sun Protection
Students are required to wear the school hat when playing outside, whenever UV levels are 3 or higher. We also encourage students to apply sunscreen before they come to school and have it in their bag so that they can re-apply throughout the day. Please note that staff members/teachers are unable to apply sunscreen for children.
Parents & Carers must ensure that their child provides their own SPF30+ (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. In the absence of a student providing their own SPF30+ (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, staff members will offer a school purchased product to the student. Parents & Carers are reminded that in this instance Sacred Heart School cannot be held responsible for any subsequent reaction that the student may experience as a result of the application of school sunscreen.
Sunscreen is available in classrooms as per the above, so we can all stay Sunsmart at Sacred Heart Kew.
Tennis Lessons at Lunch Time
All of the Sun Protection items listed above ALSO apply for ALL children who have Tennis Lessons at Lunch Time. If they do not have their school hat, they cannot attend the lesson. Thanks for your support and cooperation with this.