School News

Welcome to our new staff members for 2025

This year we welcome Gabbi Pigatto as Year 2 Classroom Teacher. Gabbi has previously worked at Sacred Heart for the last 2 years as a Learning Support Officer.


Alexia Barca and Dani McConnell will work 3 days each as Learning Support Officers. 

Alexia and Dani have previous experience in Learning Support roles. Dani has also worked in Early Years Education, and has taught in London, before coming to Australia.   


Chris Comand will join the Administration team as School Bursar on Wednesdays.


Please click on the attachment below to view our full staff list for this year.


Private Instrumental Music Lessons

As communicated last year, Creative Music for Schools will continue private music lessons this year for Year 2 - 6 students only. To enrol your child/ren, contact Nicholas during Office hours on 98182333 or via email to enrol in piano, guitar or violin lessons.


For more information about Creative Music, go to


If you have any questions, please contact me via

Parent/Teacher Chats - 26 March

Parent/Teacher Chats will take place later in the term on Wednesday 26 March. On this day, the children will finish school at 12.45pm and the first interviews will commence at 1.30pm, finishing at 7.30pm.  If you are unable to pick your children up there will be supervision provided by staff not engaged in the Parent Teacher Chats until 3.15pm.  After School Care will be provided as usual from 3.15pm onwards.  More information will be communicated later in the term.


As announced late last year, in 2025, Sacred Heart Kew Primary School will be bringing the magic of Disney Frozen Jr. to the stage! This will be an incredible opportunity for our students to showcase their talents, work together, and experience the joy of live theatre. 


Auditions for Frozen Jr. will take place this term. Children in Years 4, 5, and 6 are invited to audition for main roles. (There may be opportunities for some Year 3's to be invited to audition). We want to emphasise that this is a gentle and supportive audition process, designed to help all students feel comfortable and confident. Audition materials and music have been uploaded to Google Classroom, and we encourage students to continue to rehearse their audition parts. This is a wonderful chance for children to prepare at their own pace.


A staff panel will evaluate each student's audition, and all Sacred Heart Kew children will be involved in the production, either on stage or behind the scenes. Whether your child is interested in acting, singing, dancing, or supporting the production team, there is a role for everyone! We encourage you to support your child in auditioning, even if they only have a passing interest in participating. This is a fantastic learning experience and an opportunity to build confidence, teamwork, and creativity. We can’t wait to see the talent our students bring to the stage, as we embark on this exciting journey to bring Disney Frozen Jr. to life! 


Please see below the list of characters that your child might be interested in auditioning for.


The Tuckshop will open next Friday 7 February at lunchtime. A reminder that children are asked to please only bring $2 with them to school each Friday in a labelled purse/wallet or a zip lock bag. 


We also ask for your support in ensuring that your child does not order too many items e.g. 3 icy poles, as they are unable to eat everything in the given time. Please talk to your child about the suggested items to buy before Tuckshop day.  Many thanks for your support and assistance with this.


To minimise lengthy lines and wait times at the Tuckshop, the various year levels can line up at the following times:



For Child Safety and OH&S compliance, children of parents assisting in the tuckshop, are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. They must line up at the window.


Garden Club 

Last year, the Garden Club worked hard in the garden planting zucchinis and pumpkins. The new irrigation system was installed which ensured the veggies would be well hydrated over the holiday period. Mrs Mulhall and Miss Olney were quite suprised to see how much the garden and vegetables had grown. See the photos below. There will be lots of pumpkin soup and zucchini slice on the menu over the next few weeks.


The Garden Club will be back on Wednesday 5 February. ALL children are invited to Garden Club on a Wednesday every fortnight from 7.50am. Please remember to drop your children around 7.50am as the Glenferrie Rd pedestrian gate will be closed by 8am. Mrs Mulhall and Miss Olney look forward to seeing everyone back in the Veggie Garden next week.

Running Club 

SHK Running Club will be back on Friday 14 February. This will occur each Friday morning from 7.45am. All children from Years 3 - 6 are welcome to attend with Mr O'Shea as they develop their health and fitness each week. 


Here's what you need to know......

  • Children will need to bring their own water bottle and perhaps a small towel
  • They will need to enter from the Glenferrie Road pedestrian gate 
  • All fitness levels are welcome
  • Along with running, there will be some fitness circuits and health-related learning involved including: stretching, breathing, tempo running, warm up and cool down (process), making use of smart watches and fitbit's

Friday Afternoon School Assemblies at 2.30pm

Our very first Assembly for the school year will be Friday 14 February at 2.30pm. This will be held in the MPR. All parents are welcome to attend. 


Term 1 Assemblies:

Week 2 (7 Feb): No Assembly

Week 3 (14 Feb): Assembly

Week 4 (21 Feb): Semester 1 and Year 6 Leader Badge Presentation

Week 5 (28 Feb): Year 5/6 Spotlight on Learning

Week 6 (7 Mar): No Assembly - School Closure Day

Week 7 (14 Mar): Assembly

Week 8 (21 Mar): No Assembly - Wellbeing Groups

Week 9 (28 Mar): Assembly

Week 10 (4 Apr): No Assembly - End of Term 1 12:45pm finish


2025 School Leaders, Semester One Class Captains & Environmental Monitors Presentation

We will acknowledge and present badges to our 2025 School Leaders and Semester One Class Captains and Environmental Monitors at a Special Assembly on Friday 21 February at 2.30pm. Hopefully, this will be held in the great outdoors, weather permitting!  

2025 Term Dates


Term 1

Fri 31 January (Students begin) – Fri 4 April


Term 2

Tues 22 April – Fri 4 July 


Term 3

Mon 21 July – Fri 19 September


Term 4

Tue 7 October - Tues 16  December

2025 School Closure Days


As was communicated to families last year...


* Time in Lieu (TIL)


The new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 (the Agreement) introduces a formal time in lieu (TIL) process for teachers. The Agreement provides that a principal may require a teacher to undertake work and attend a school activity outside the normal hours of attendance (i.e., in excess of the 38 hours or normal hours for a part-time teacher) and when this occurs, it will attract TIL. 


Principals should prepare for the accrual and acquittal of TIL through their annual planning process. The timing of the acquittal of TIL is at the discretion of the principal, having regard to the operational needs of the school and causing the least disruption to the educational program of the school.


Principals may elect to acquit TIL through designating days during the year on which all staff and students are not required to attend school. 




Tuesday 28 January (staff return) 


2025 Assessment Days


Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30 January 


First day of School 2025 


Friday 31 January All children (Prep - Year Six) 

Prep children attend 8.45am - 12.45pm


School Closure Days 2025


Term 1

Thursday 6 March (Staff Professional Learning)

Friday 7 March (Staff Professional Learning)

Monday 10 March (Labour Day Public Holiday) 


Term 2

Friday 25 April (ANZAC Day Public Holiday)

Monday 9 June (King’s Birthday Public Holiday)


Term 3



Term 4 

Monday 6 October (Move back to School Hall Classrooms) TO BE CONFIRMED!

Thursday 16 October (TIL day for staff) TO BE CONFIRMED!

Monday 3 November (TIL day for staff) 

Tuesday 4 November (Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday)

Friday 5 December (Staff Planning for 2025)


Children finish on Tuesday 16 December at 12.45pm (Earliest date children can finish)


Please note that no primary school students should be dismissed from schools prior to Tuesday 16 December 2025 – this is their earliest finish date


MACSEYE - Outside School Hours Care 

This year we welcome MACSEYE (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Early Years Education) as our OSHC provider. MACSEYE is a newly approved provider, set up by MACS to offer a range of early childhood and school aged care programs. 


Please see below for further information, including the MACSEYE Booking Link.