Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


Welcome back to the 2025 school year!


I hope that all members of our school community enjoyed the chance to relax, recharge and enjoy the great outdoors over the summer holiday break. A special welcome to all our new families and welcome back to our returning school families. It’s wonderful to have our Sacred Heart Kew school family together, with children in classrooms, and laughter and joy filling the playgrounds today. We all look forward to another fantastic year of learning, growing and celebrating together here at Sacred Heart Kew. 


Building Works Update and New Procedures in place this year  


As was shared with families via Audiri yesterday, please read the information below for some further Building Works news and new procedures in place at our St John's 2 minute drop off and pick up area and Cotham Rd. 


We highly recommend and encourage Kiss and Drop as the BEST method of dropping off and picking up children this year, but St John’s Parade 2 minute drop off and pick up will still operate, just in a different manner for assembling the children to safely enter awaiting cars. Please note that regardless of you picking your child up at Kiss and Drop or St John’s 2 minute area, your surname card needs to be placed on your visor in your car, so staff members can quickly identify whose car has pulled up.


Please read the information below for some further Building Works news and new procedures in place at our St John's 2 minute drop off and pick up area and Cotham Rd. 

As has been previously shared with you all this week, our Building Works have begun, with our Building Site sheds and temporary fencing erected earlier this week. My sincere thanks to all school community members for your patience, cooperation and understanding as we found different paths of entrance and exit for our Assessment days as this was taking shape. Now that this has all been setup, please see below for some changes to some aspects of our school pick up and drop off. 


New pick up and drop off procedures at St John’s Pde and Cotham Rd




The St John's Parade gate is now located within the Building site. This is out of bounds for school use. This means that there needs to be some adjustments made to this area of our school. 




As mentioned above, parents can still make use of St John’s Parade 2 minute drop off and pick up, but Kiss and Drop is highly recommended and the preferred option to drop and pick up your child(ren) this year. If you do make use of St John’s Parade 2 minute drop off and pick up, please note the following changes to procedures: 


This area is still a designated ‘2 minute drop off and pick up’ zone. 



  • Parents can still drop children off from 8.30am in this area. There will be a staff member supervising this area (standing in the centre of the roped off driveway) 
  • Children will be directed to walk along the footpath (the outside perimeter of Cotham Rd) and enter the grounds via the Cotham Rd pedestrian entrance gate. There will be bollards directing traffic from the front brick entrance gate to the front steel pedestrian gate. Please place the code into the keypad and the gate will open. 
  • Children can play in the usual Senior Playground/4 Square Court once within the school grounds. A staff member will supervise the Senior Playground from 8:30am.The staff member supervising the above duty areas, finishes at 8.45am.
  • After this time, all children dropped off at St John’s 2 minute area, are to follow the same directions as per above, and enter the school grounds, and walk straight to their classrooms. Or if arriving at school after 8.50am, walk straight to the school office to be signed in as late. 


  • The children being picked up from 3.15pm in the afternoon, will stand with a staff member on duty, at the driveway double gates (within the car park area). 
  • Another staff member will stand where the cars pull up at the 2 minute drop area and call out to the other staff member, the family name of the cars which are waiting.
  • As was the case previously, at St John’s, children will also be able to see their particular family car, and once they do, the staff member will allow them to walk safely to their car from the driveway double gates area. 
  • Parents are kindly reminded to ensure that they have discussed with their child(ren) the location of their afternoon pick up, before the school day. 

As the year unfolds, there will be other subtle changes with other procedures within the school, and we will communicate these to all families, as soon as they arise. 


Senior Trip to Canberra (Monday 3 - Friday 7 February)


Next Monday 3 February, our Senior (Year 5 & 6) children are off to Canberra for the week. They will be joined by: Mrs Hoogeveen, Miss Privitelli, Mr O'Shea, Mrs Gerecke and Mr Weekes. Everyone is very excited and are looking forward to visiting our nation's capital. 


Mrs Gabrielle Richardson and Mrs Courtney Drough will be Acting Principal/Acting Deputy throughout next week. 


My sincere thanks to both Mrs Richardson and Mrs Drough Gab for taking on these extra roles and responsibilities in our absence.  


Wishing everyone a FABULOUS 2025 school year and weekend.


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal