General Information

Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in Week's 3 and 4 of term:
Rosemary Wright, Georgia Neville, Peyton McBain, Joshua Pietsch, Matthew Pietsch, Sophie Pietsch
Our thoughts and prayers are with Lylah and Chloe Gerlofsma and their family after the sad loss of their great grandfather Mr Don Hamel, to Mrs Core and her family after sadly losing her sister Marg and to Harry and Ted Smith on the sad loss of their great grandfather.
May they rest in peace with the Lord.
Congratulations to the following students who will receive our Respect Awards for Week's 1 and 2 of this term. Well done to you both!
Hannah Lawler- Always displaying impeccable manners and greets others.
Sidney Cheers - consistently shows respect for his learning and the learning of others. He is always polite, cheerful, and caring to his peers and the St Joseph's school community.
It is very important that the school has up to date contact information for each child. If we do not have the correct information at the school it is difficult for us to contact you if need be. If your details change during the year please contact the school as soon as possible or update your information on your Compass app.
You are reminded that supervision at school does not start until 8:40 am and concludes at 3:30 pm. Students are not to be on school grounds outside of these times.
Bell times each day are:
9.00am Morning Activity
9.10am Class starts
11.10am First play break
11.40am Lunch
12.00pm Recommence Classes
2.00pm Second break
2.30pm Recommence Classes
3.20pm Dismissal
3.30pm End of supervision of students
At the moment the lost property box is overflowing with items that have been left in the playground and don't have names on them. It is hard to return items if we don't know who they belong too. Could you please ensure your child's name is on all their uniform items and other things they bring to school so if they are left behind they can be returned to the correct person as soon as possible.
The school has the rule of no hat no play. The children who forget their hat are to sit in a designated area. Please ensure your child remembers their hat every day! The office does not lend hats to students.
Just a reminder our office hours are from 8:40 to 3:30 each day. The office can become very busy at times looking after visitors/parents, caring for the students and taking phone calls, so if your call is not answered PLEASE leave a message on the answering machine and the messages will be checked as soon as possible.
The school does not keep any second hand uniforms. If you would like to buy second hand uniforms you can do so at St Vinnies or the Op Shop.
If you have uniforms to donate please take them to either of these places. Thank you