Senior School news

by Ms. Jess Sheppard, Head of Senior School

As we get to the middle of Term 3, we continue to finalise our end-of-year experiences for our senior students, who are starting to think about major transitions in their life. I had the pleasure of speaking with many Year 11s over the last two weeks during course advising appointments, where we discussed potential pathways and their subject choices for their final year of school. Our Year 12s, of course, are starting to plan for their lives beyond school, which I remember being an exciting but nerve-racking time.   


Over the next few months, our VCE students will be preparing for their end-of-year exams, and Senior School is coordinating a number of activities including:


27th August: Elevate Education revision workshops for Year 12 students. 


28th August: Batyr will be running a workshop for all Year 11 students on positive mental health. 


24th September-10th October: Connect Education revision workshops will be held at Box Hill High School for English, Psychology, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Specialist Maths and Economics. Details will be available shortly on Compass.


30th September-4th October: practice exams for all Year 12 subjects. 

Recommended revision lectures 

We will also be publishing our teachers’ list of recommended revision lectures for all Year 12 subjects. This will include costs and links to purchase.   


On a very exciting note, we are also currently finalising our Year 11 and 12 end-of-year celebrations. During the last week of Year 12 classes, starting Monday 14th October, Year 12s will have their dress up days and a Friday evening celebration at school. On Monday 21st October, students will have their final official morning at Box Hill High School, where we celebrate their time here with a breakfast and an assembly. Parents are invited to attend the breakfast.  


This term, Year 11 students will also have the opportunity to nominate for our esteemed Year 12 Prefect positions. They will receive information on this process during Home Groups in week 8. We encourage all students with leadership aspirations to apply for positions. They are a great way to give back to the school, their cohort, and to build their leadership skills for the future.  


Year 11s will also have some fun celebrations in Term 4, as they finish exams, begin their Year 12 classes and celebrate the end of the year with the handing over of the Year 12 study centre.   


Please keep an eye on Compass over the next few weeks for the details of all these exciting events.