News from School Council

The Council meeting held on 31st July 2024 included the following discussions:
- a review of the Annual Implementation Plan to evaluate, assess and reset priorities for semester two
- new contracts for school uniform supplies, school booklist supplies and photocopy services
- a branding refresh for the school to bring a more cohesive look across school publications and documentation
- a report about facilities projects
- OHS report including mention of the lockdown drill conducted on 24th June
- the school's excellent NAPLAN results across both numeracy and literacy.
Policies ratified at Council and to be updated on Compass and the school website once July minutes are accepted at the August meeting include:
- Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
- Dogs at School Policy
- Inclusion and Diversity Policy
- Visitors Policy
- Yard Duty and Supervision Policy.
All current school policies are available on Compass in the "School Documentation" section, as well as at the school website.
2024 School Council:
Executive Officer
Kellie Ind - Principal
Parent Members:
Kaajal Fox - President / Chair
Muhammad Ali - Vice President
Tony Bui - Finance Rep
Ashley Schwarz
Rodney Mudford
Pooja Kumar
Community Members:
Shweta Pradhan
Elizabeth Tischler
DE Members:
Shareen Bottrell (Assistant Principal)
Nathaniel Smith (Learning Leader - Data & Digital)
Nathalie Brewer (BHHS Teacher)
Thomas Williams (BHHS Teacher)
Mel Nicholson (Business Manager - Ex Officio)
Student Members:
Taj O'Donnell
Lihan Guo