Springing into Spring!

by Ms. Kellie Ind, Principal

Term 3 started quickly for the Box Hill High School community, with a fabulous Art Show in the hall showcasing our talented students who produced photos, drawings, paintings, graphic designs, and 3D projects in many different art and design units offered at the school from Year 7 to Year 12 (see the newsletter article: "A Celebration of Creativity" for more wonderful photos).  

In week two, course advising and subject selection began for our Year 7-11 students, and many families attended the VCE Expo held at the school on Wednesday 24th July to gain a greater understanding of the different VCE pathways on offer. Thank you to our many dedicated staff who worked a long day to provide information and guidance to our students.  

This year, there has been a real focus on increasing opportunities for parents and carers to become more informed and connected with the school to strengthen our partnership in the learning and wellbeing of our young people.  We have increased our online and school sessions for different groups of parents as well, such as making the newsletters more frequent, supporting EAL families with use of Compass, providing course advising guidance, running VCE Vocational Major information sessions, GAPP parent communications, an additional VCE parent-teacher meeting afternoon, and offering Year 7-9 parent morning teas with the leadership team to look at how we improve learning and wellbeing across Term 3 and 4. Parents were also invited along to the course advising sessions for the first time, too. We believe this was a success and are happy to hear from our parents via email regarding any feedback. 

New technology subjects and extra-curricular programs in 2025 

We are excited about the addition of a new Technology Program Coordinator and specialised  teacher for 2025 who is working with us to develop new technology spaces and pathways for students. New Year 9 and 10 technology electives have been enthusiastically embraced by students in their subject choices, and we look forward to continuing to develop and embed programs and skills in this learning area, including VCE subjects in the future. More information about the BHHS STEM program and our new staff member to come. 

Reminder to complete the Parent/Carer Survey before 20 September 

Thank you to those parents who have already completed the survey – we would love to hear from more of our parents and carers so we have a reliable sample size. 


To complete the survey, visit: https://www.orima.com.au/parent then enter the school name: Box Hill High School. You will also need to enter your personal identification number (provided in the email sent from the school on Mon 29th July). If you do not have your PIN, please contact the school's Front Office for assistance.