From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston

A very warm welcome back for Term 3! Students have settled well and we have a super exciting term ahead. The first two weeks saw us certainly hit the ground running with a variety of great learning experiences and opportunities for students some of which are shared below. 


In safe hands...

The first nights of the Kids' First Aid courses were a great success with children learning about and practicing valuable skills in a fun and hands-on way. We were extremely impressed by the strong interest shown in these opportunities from the moment they were advertised, resulting in all sessions selling out. Many thanks to the CEC for organising!


Let the Games begin...

It's been great walking around the school among the proud sea of green and gold and students dressed in their sporting attire in celebration of the start of the Olympics. We look forward to two weeks of late nights, cheering on the green and gold and enjoying the buzz that comes with the Olympic Games. And, what a perfect guilt-free excuse to eat croissants! A huge MERCI to the JSC leaders for organising a special event to celebrate the opening of Olympic Games. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!


Buildings and Grounds....

We were excited to return from holidays to see the progress made on our new building. The classrooms are really continuing to take shape with cabinetry, pin boards and whiteboards finding their place. Outside, our new outdoor learning space deck has been installed, creating a lovely place for students to work. Landscaping has continued and our new amphitheatre overlooking our new performing arts space is almost finished. We would also like to say thank you to our school community for helping keep our school safe over the holidays, particularly the member who contacted local police when they felt something wasn't quite right.  


We are also pleased to report that at the end of last term we submitted an application to the Department for funding to improve an area of our yard needing attention. If successful, it would provide the opportunity for us to replace the failing retaining wall along the embankment adjacent to the western entry of our school, improve pathways and garden beds and provide another lovely, natural passive play space for children. Fingers crossed!



Policy Reviews

Just a reminder that our policies are available for your viewing via our website  Last term our School Council reviewed and endorsed the Mobile Phone, Student Dress Code and Visitors policies.  


Our Child Safety policy is due for review this term.  Our child safety framework includes policies, codes and procedures that explain how we support and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students and protect them from harm. We are committed to continuous improvement of our child safety framework and part of this process involves a review of our practices to ensure they are up-to-date and effective. 


We welcome your feedback or ideas on ways we can improve our approach to child safety. Please email the team via if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the Child Safety Policy.



This week we would like to celebrate the students who became our most recent additions to our Busted Doing Your Banyule Best Board of Fame: Alroy from 2WG, Oliver from 1NB, Alby from PAM and Jack from 1BS. We are grateful for them doing their Banyule best! 



Natalie, Sam and Claire



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