Middle Sub-School News 

Amelia Frantz  - Acting Middle Sub School Leader



Hello everyone,

Middle students have worked hard to showcase their learning in Weeks 3 and 4. They have been working on gardening, cooking skills, reading, writing, communication skills, counting medals from the Olympics and much more. Classes have been preparing for the production later this term. It has been great to see students greet and farewell others using their preferred communication systems. 


In Week 4, Middle Student Leaders were invited to attend the official opening of the Yaluk Building. This was a wonderful opportunity for all involved. 


Sarah Hill returns on Monday August 12 and I will resume my  classroom teaching position. I have really enjoyed the last 4 weeks connecting with middle students and their families! 


A couple of reminders:

Student absences

We are continuing to support students with their hygiene this winter. This includes covering nose and mouth when coughing and washing hands regularly.  Please notify the absence phone if your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell. Thank you for your support as we work together to stay safe and healthy this winter. 



SSGs finish in Week 5. Sharing students achievement is a highlight for everyone involved. If you have not made an SSG time yet, please communicate with the classroom teacher.  



Stay well this Winter

With the cooler weather upon us, we are starting to see an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, cough, and sore throat.  We continue to support students regarding good hygiene, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue and washing hands regularly with soap and water or using sanitiser.  If your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell, please inform the absence line.  Thank you for your continued support; let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.


Room 11


Room 11 is having a fabulous Term 3. We were engaged in different learning activities such as celebrating birthdays, cooking, gardening, online English and Maths activities, Music Viva Incursion, weekly library visits, Music, Personal and Social Capabilities, and Science. We wish everyone wonderful remaining days of Term 3. 

Love from Alex, Ali, Asiya, Ahshka, Declan, Max, Rafael, William, Nikki, Rashani, and Shirley 😊













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