Primary Sub-School News
Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader
Primary Sub-School News
Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader
Hello everyone!
We are in week 4 already and well into Term 3. It is now the final month of Winter, so hopefully some warmer weather is on the horizon!
We are now in the final week of SSG meetings. We have very much enjoyed sharing with you all of the wonderful progress that your children have made and discussing both short and long-term goals. If you have not yet made an appointment or had a letter, please do inform your child's class team as we would love to celebrate your child's achievements this year! There are many ways to communicate with your child's teacher. Parents can write a Seesaw message, email or write a message in the student diary.
Communication with your child’s classroom team is essential - the more we know about how we can best support your child, the better we can adapt and put in place strategies to reinforce what is being taught in the home. As always, please continue to utilise the communication book to enhance the home-school partnership. Remembering, you also have Seesaw as a tool for communication, and to gain further insight into what is occurring in classrooms.
Stay well this Winter
With the cooler weather upon us, we are starting to see an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, cough, and sore throat. We continue to support students regarding good hygiene, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue and washing hands regularly with soap and water or using sanitiser. If your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell, please inform the absence line. Thank you for your continued support; let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.
Best wishes
This term in Room 2 we have enjoyed catching the bus to kinder gym every Monday afternoon, exploring the gym equipment, and learning new tricks. We have continued to build strong friendships with our peers and enjoy social play in the classroom and playground. In Maths we are learning about money and how to collect and display data and in English we are continuing to explore letters sounds and colourful semantics. We enjoyed making muffins in the kids’ kitchen and are excited to discover new recipes and try new food. George the dog is still filling our classroom with joy every Thursday afternoon and we are now all confident enough to feed him some carrots. We are practicing our classroom dance for the school performance and are looking forward to showing our families later in the term. The staff in Room 2 are proud of the students’ achievements so far and we are excited for the rest of the year to see all the wonderful things we can achieve.