Kitchen Garden

Welcome back to Term 3! It was wonderful to return to school and see our garden flourishing. Our peas are continuing to flower and fruit, the radishes are still producing and our silver beet and brussels sprouts are coming along wonderfully.
Next week, the Year 5/6 students will be back in the garden attending to our plants and I am so excited to show them our peas that are now ready for snacking! Our tiny carrot tops are also coming through and our potato plants are getting bigger. Our Tahitian lime and Washington Navel orange trees are looking fabulous! It’s hard to believe that over summer, we thought they may not make it – but thanks to some extra watering from Mr Cotching and special care from members of our Buildings and Grounds team, they are now thriving and producing delicious fruit. The rocket and parsley are in their second round of self-seeding and producing, and we will collect more rocket seeds and save them to re-plant later in the season.
Any parents, carers or special friends who are interested in attending and assisting with our garden and/or cooking sessions, are always welcome to come and join us. Our Chatham website calendar has been updated with our Tuesday session times for Term 3.
Feel free to email me at if you would like to assi
Thank you,
Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Co-Ordinator