Year 5 Curriculum



This term students will be revisiting Financial Maths by working in pairs or small groups to plan a trip to the Paris Olympics with a budget of $25,000 for a family of four. Flights, transport, accommodation, entertainment and food will need to be considered – all while practicing frugality! The students will then embark on a unit exploring decimals, fractions and percentages where they will look at ordering, equivalences, converting, as well adding and subtracting fractions with common and uncommon denominators. This will be followed by a unit on probability where the students will build upon their understanding of chance events and the likelihood of achieving particular outcomes. We will conduct repeat experiments and use frequency to estimate and compare outcomes. This unit will allow students to apply their newfound knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages by describing possibilities using these concepts. 



This term our students will build upon their skills of how to determine importance when reading both fiction and non-fiction texts. We will be exploring in further detail the different types of questioning they can use to gain a deeper meaning from texts; literal, inferential and evaluative. Effective reading strategies will be modelled and applied in whole class, small group and independent reading opportunities, with particular focus on inferring and visualising. A range of digital and traditional fiction texts will be used to read and determine the author’s message. In addition to the structured reading lesson, students will be engaging in daily fluency sessions to enhance their pace, expression, accuracy, phrasing and ability to consider punctuation accurately.



During Term Two we will link our Reading and Writing units closely as the students apply their skills of determining importance when researching an historical event relating to the Olympics or NAIDOC week. Students will work independently to research a memorable event and describe the circumstances, people, outcomes, controversy or lasting impact that the event has had on our country. Students will also write to persuade in the form of Grade 6 Leadership applications. They will revise and extend their use of persuasive techniques, as well as including connectives for cause and effect. Writing samples will once again be used to guide the formation of individual student goals.



This term in Inquiry, students will immerse themselves in a geography unit, ‘Global Horizons: Discovering Cultures and Connections around the World’. In this unit the students will investigate the geographical diversity of the Asia region and the locations of its major countries in relation to Australia. They will compare similarities and differences in the economic, demographic and social characteristics between countries across the world. Exploring different cultures and traditions within those cultures will expand their knowledge of how people live and celebrate what is special to them across the world. Throughout the second half of the term students will embark on a unit focusing on ‘Needs and Wants’. They will develop an understanding about the allocation of society's needs and wants and learn how businesses provide goods and services, and about the effect of consumer and financial decisions on individuals, the community and environment.



Students will once again continue to build upon their social and emotional skills through weekly Resilience Project sessions. They will explore the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences and will be guided to apply a range of effective strategies to solve friendship issues. Targeted Respectful Relationships sessions will be implemented each week to support the students as they navigate their social landscape and develop positive gender relations.



In Grade 5 PE classes, students will further develop their physical abilities through challenging activities and sports. In preparation for inter-school competitions students will learn, practise and master different game specific skills. Students will continue to refine their skills in different sports such as cricket, rugby league, lacrosse and frisbee golf. They will refine techniques and strategies whilst developing sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork to best represent Kismet Park against other schools.




This term in Japanese, the Grade 5 students are developing their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through the theme of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Students will learn vocabulary including sports, countries, food and family members. They will create a presentation on a chosen athlete and include in their name, age, country, sport, favourite food and family members. The presentation will be a bilingual presentation with Japanese and English. Students will learn to type in Japanese on their ipads to support their presentation. They will also continue to be explicitly taught how to read and write hiragana which will help them with learning new vocabulary.


Visual Arts

This term students in Year 5 will continue to explore new techniques and materials when creating their art. They will continue to complete last term’s projects as well as creating their own original canvas art. Students will explore abstract art as they compare, and contrast works from three different artists. This study will assist them with the application of new ideas and designs when creating their own abstract art. Students will persist with displaying courage, trying new techniques as they work safely in the art room. This term students will encounter how exciting it is to share their artworks with their family and community at our well anticipated show.



Performing Arts

This Term in Performing Arts, Grade Five students will be experimenting with digital media skills when taking a series of ‘Forced Perspective’ photography. Students will work collaboratively when taking photos of each other using a variety of props such as mirrors and frames. Students will learn about the basic principles of photography and experiment with manipulating the foreground and background to change the perspective of their shots and create visual illusions. These photos will be showcased at our upcoming Art Show!