Occupational Health & Safety

~to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees~


Workplace Inspections will be distributed this afternoon. Please return to Fiona (pigeon-hole) as soon as possible, particularly if any items need addressing before the school holidays.

First Aid Poster (Term 2, 2024)


OH& S Meetings

The OH&S Committee meets twice per term. The composition includes the elected HSR and Deputy HSR, representatives from each sub-school, a rep from Admin/Therapy, the Principal, Assistant Principals and the OH&S Manager Nominee.  


TERM3- Week 6- Wednesday 21st August

Meeting minutes can be found in Sharepoint and on our Noticeboard.


OH&S Designated Workgroup Health and Safety Representatives

OH&S Manager Nominee: Mary Boutros

Elected Health and Safety Representative: Frances Hansen

Elected Deputy Health and Safety Representative: Amanda Hollway

Return to Work Co-ordinator: Michelle McMaster

Executive Assistant: Fiona Micelotta



Maintaining a clean staffroom, particularly around the tea and coffee station, is super important, so that we keep away any insects, such as ants. Recently, we’ve encountered issues like ants and unclean microwaves, which can lead to an unhygienic environment.

To keep our staffroom pleasant for all, please follow the routine utlined on the staffroom clean up poster near the sink. These to-do-items include:

  • Clean up spills and crumbs immediately, especially in the tea and coffee area.
  • Wipe down the microwave after each use.
  • Properly dispose of food waste.

Report any maintenance needs, such as a new dish handle or other items, so they can be addressed promptly.                                                                                                               

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our shared spaces clean and welcoming!


Common Causes and Risk Factors for Slips, Trips, and FallsSlips:

  • Wet spills (e.g., water, grease, food)
  • Dry spills (e.g., powder, dust, granules)
  • Weather hazards (e.g., ice, snow)
  • Slippery floors (e.g., concrete, marble)
  • Sloped or uneven surfaces
  • Wet or greasy shoes
  • Ramps or planks lacking skid-resistant surfaces
  • Floor clutter
  • Obstructed view
  • Open drawers, cabinets, or doors
  • Carrying heavy objects

Safety Tips for Walking in Wet or Slippery Areas:

  • Wear appropriate footwear.
  • Ensure you are wearing shoes with non-slip soles that provide good traction.
  • Avoid footwear with smooth soles or high heels that can increase the risk of slipping.
  • Walk slowly and take small steps to maintain your balance.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid distractions such as using your phone while walking.
  • Utilize handrails where available to support yourself, especially on stairs or ramps.


Reporting and Notifying Appropriate Staff:

To maintain a safe and secure environment, it is crucial to promptly report any hazards or incidents related to slips, trips, and falls. Notify the relevant staff or maintenance team immediately if you encounter any unsafe conditions or have an accident. This ensures that necessary actions are taken to address the issue, prevent future incidents, and uphold workplace safety standards. Your timely communication helps create a safer environment for everyone.


Please remember to inform Kay or Mary if you require any supplies. 

It's essential to maintain our first aid room stocked with necessary items, and Kay oversees inventory replenishment based on our needs. Staff should request permission from admin staff before accessing the first aid room. Students needing medication, such as asthma pumps, must have their supplies with them. In the event of running out, parents are responsible for replacing these items. Please refrain from using asthma pumps in the first aid room, as these are reserved for emergencies.

These asthma pumps are numbered, and we already have two that are missing. 

 Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Employee Wellbeing Support Services




The Middle years vacancy has now closed! We still have ONE more OHS Committee vacancy for Secondary! Please email me if you are interested.

The elected members of the OHS committee can accrue Time in Lieu for the meetings and will be financially acquitted for the TIL.


Representation elected by workgroup:

  • 2 x Primary Sub School – Michelle Davies + Sally Mckerchar
  • 2 x Middle Sub School - Rajen Rai + (vacancy)
  • 2 x Secondary Sub School - Irene Gacovski + (vacancy)
  • 1 x Therapy Team - Lydia Lee 
  • 1 x Administration Team- Michelle McMaster
  • 2 x Wellbeing Team-Stephanie Torchia and Nina Cerantonio
  • 1 x Facilities Team-Dr Denise Clarke
  • 1 x AEU Rep-Amelia Frantz
  • HSR - Frances Hansen      
  • Deputy HSR- Amanda Hollway
  • Principal and /or management OHS- Corinne Pupillo
  • OHS Manager Nominee- Mary Boutros
  • PCT- Daniel Moloney

ACTION FOR HAPPINESS| JUMP BACK UP JULY-Let's find ways to bounce back! 



We encourage all staff members to actively participate in reporting any safety concerns they may come across. Your vigilance and proactive approach play a crucial role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for us all.

Remember, safety is a team effort, and together, we can create an environment where everyone feels secure and protected. 

Be Safety Champions to make safety a priority every day. 




Thank you, Sally, for volunteering your time to support our staff with cleaning supplies and for being available three times a week to provide access to the storeroom. We greatly appreciate all your help!