P&F News

P&F Meeting 

On Wednesday night we held our quarterly P&F meeting with people attending both in person at the Pratten Centre and electronically via Teams.  There were many agenda items that were discussed.


Playground upgrade

We heard from Mr Mathew Irving on the updated preliminary plans for the replacement playground for the Primary School.  It looks like the students are getting some very nice equipment.  It was good to hear that students have had input into the final design.  Last night we passed a motion to transfer the $20,000 we’ve committed to the school for this project.


Designs will be published in the coming weeks after further consultation with students.


Social Events

We reviewed the continuing success of the Day One coffee vans as well as our previous guest speakers and plans for 2025.

Bogan Bingo

Have you secured your table for Bogan Bingo, the biggest event on our social calendar this year?  Tickets are only $33 each and are available at the following link: 


Tickets - www.trybooking.com/P&F Bogan Bingo 


We are selling tickets in both tables of eight as well as individually for those that are not able to form a table of eight.  Guaranteed to be a great night, secure your ticket now!  


There will be a licensed bar, which will also stock non-alcoholic drinks. We ask that you bring your own platters should you wish to have some nibbles.


Please note this is an 18+ event.


Please support this event so that we continue our investments in our community, this particular event will help fund playground upgrades.  There’s also the added bonus of having a great night with our community. So, dust off your best “going out” flannel and desert boots and grab your tickets.


Mr Jason Pages | P&F President

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS) 


Monthly Meetings

The DIGS group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6.30pm to 8.30pm upstairs at the Premier Hotel. Our next meeting is on 14 August 2024.


Don't forget to join our private Facebook group 'DIGS at GSG' to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities. Mums are welcome to join too!  


Look forward to meeting you soon.


DIGS Lawn Bowls for dads and kids - Save the Date

Date: Sunday 15 September 2024

Time: 2.00pm to 4.30pm

Venue: Middleton Beach Bowling Club 

Further details to come!!


Mr Luke Murnane, President

0417 944 789


Mr David Marshall, DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176

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