Music Program 

Music Camp

On Thursday 25 July, 85 of our Music program, students set off on the annual music camp at Oasis, Mt Evelyn. 


After arriving, we began the day by rehearsing the mass number - something that combines every instrument and brings our music program together in one piece. This year we performed “You’re the Voice” by John Farnham. We then split off into individual ensembles or in some cases, groups to do some fun camp activities.


Over the course of three days, the students were fortunate enough to be able to participate in a range of camp activities, such as the flying fox, low ropes, archery and my personal favourite - the giant swing (especially when Mr Ho and Ms Jacobs took a turn). Additionally, some students were able to participate in a Klezmer workshop - a workshop where they experienced and played traditional Jewish music.


The nights were filled with fun activities run primarily by our Year 12 cohort. The first was a game night with four teams named after our teachers - ending with the winning teams “The Chefs”. The second night was our annual Music camp talent slow. From a first hand experience, the talent this year was even more incredible than usual, with student-led Band “Static” winning first place, followed by Maisy and the Year 12 ensemble tied in second place and Bec in third place!


After two days of rehearsals in our various ensemble groups, we spent the last day undertaking soundchecks in preparation for the concert. By the time 2 o'clock had come around we were ready to perform! The concert was filled with some amazing pieces - from some rock pieces from the guitar ensemble to some more classical pieces from the symphonic band!


Overall, it was and always is an incredible few days that so many of us are so fortunate to experience. Thanks to all the teachers and staff that put in so much work to make it possible!


Ella Bennett

Performing Arts Captain 

Winter Concert 

The music program's biggest performance event of the year is our Winter Concert. 


7pm, Wednesday 7 August at Frankston Arts Centre  


Experience an unforgettable evening at the Mentone Girls' Secondary College Annual Winter Concert! Celebrate the incredible talent of our students as they showcase the entire Music program at MGSC. Enjoy performances from various bands, choirs, string groups, and other ensembles. Join us for an evening of diverse musical presentations and support our talented students.


All students in the music program from Year 7 to Year 12 will be performing. Final tickets are available using this link. 

Term 3 music events 

Evening performances

Wednesday 7 August - Winter Concert 

26-31 August - 'Legally Blonde' production 

Thursday 12 September -Mentone RSL Gig Night

Wednesday 18 September - Soiree at MGSC 


School day events

Tuesday 20 August - VCE contemporary students Workshop at Beaumaris Secondary C

Tuesday 20 August - Battle of the Bands

Wednesday 21 August - VSMF Junior String Orchestra  

Thursday 5 September - VSMF Year 8 Band

Friday 6 September - VSMF Symphonic Band