Literacy News

2024 Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee
I will be running Round one of the Spelling Bee next Tuesday, August 6 with those students who have let me know they would like to participate. All entrants need to have their parents/carers sign the online consent form. I have attached a link to the digital parent consent form here . If your child/children would like to be a part of this annual event, please email me to let me know by close of business THIS Friday August 2nd . When you complete the online consent form, it will automatically send me a copy.
I will make an announcement for the students that have enrolled at 9.50am next Tuesday. The students compete online against other students from all around Australia. If your child makes it through to the next round, I will meet with them again the following Tuesday.
The competition is open to all our students in Year 3/4/5 & 6. It is free to enter the online competition which I will run over the 3 consecutive Tuesdays in August. Entrants will be required to answer 30 random spelling words (timed) per round. Here is the link if you would like to read up a little more about the competition.
Thank you to those that have already reached out and expressed interest.
Book Recommendations
Jane Bennetts: Year 3/4 Teacher
What are you reading at the moment?
The God of the Woods by Liz Moore
Why did you choose that book?
I saw this book in the Thriller section at the book shop and I liked the sound of the blurb.
What is the story about?
In 1975, a camp counsellor discovers a child has gone missing, but this isn’t the first time. 14 years ago, the child’s brother had gone missing. The story has 2 timelines, and it goes between them both. You start off in 1975 and it flashes back to 1961.
Some take aways...
It was unpredictable, I was guessing the whole way through about what had happened. It was beautifully written; I would classify it as a literary mystery thriller.
Did you enjoy the book?
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and would recommend to anyone who enjoys reading and a complex plot.
Picture Story Book
Grace and Mr Milligan
Nominated for the 2024 CBCA early Childhood Book of the Year AND New Illustrator
Grace lives next door to Mr Milligan and his pet goat Charlie. Grace loves going on adventures with Mr Milligan and Charlie, they do lots of amazing things together. Sadly, Charlie dies and everything changes. Mr Milligan is just so sad. Will Grace be able to help Mr Milligan be happy again. This is a heart-warming story about love, grief and how friendship can help heal pain.
This book has been nominated in 2 categories for the 2024 Children’s Book Week Awards. All SKiPPS students will share this story and be able to vote on if it is their favourite in both of the named categories.
Young Readers
The Sideways Orbit of Evie Hart
Nominated for the 2024 CBCA Book of the Year : Younger Readers
Evie Hart likes rules. However, as she embarks on her last year of primary school, it feels like all the rules around her are being broken.
When Evie’s class starts learning about the Earth’s place in the universe, it makes Evie think about her own place in the world and where she belongs. Which has her more worried than ever.
Evie’s mum writes a horoscope page for a living, it’s hard for her to not think about what the future holds. Especially when she and the only dad Evie has ever known are acting like they’re on different planets.
But the more Evie learns about the sky and the stars, the more she learns that changes in the world can’t always be controlled. And maybe that’s not a bad thing.
Pen Pals
Sacred Heart have been in touch this week to say that there is a pile of letters ready for us. I am wondering if there is a parent that might be able to collect them for me?
Please let me know if you walk past and would be able to help me out. My knee is not quite ready for that!
I am now starting a new batch of letters to write for the Sacred Heart Community. If your child/children would like to be involved in writing letters this term, please let me know.
Book Week 2024
August 17-23
Each year since 1945 the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time, we spend one week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. Together, we share and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. The theme this year is Reading is Magic.
At SKiPPS we grab any opportunity to celebrate reading. We have lots of exciting things happening to celebrate the 2024 CBCA Book Week.
All students will be going to a performance from Meerkat Productions on Monday August 12th. Meerkat Productions adapt two books shortlisted by the CBCA for the Book of the Year Awards. One show is a book from the Picture Book Category and another from the Younger Readers Chapter Book category. Meerkat Productions create 2 x 40-minute musical productions including original songs and puppetry. The Foundation to Year 4 students will be seeing a performance on the story Timeless by Kelly Canby and the Year 5/6 students will be seeing the show Being Jimmy Baxter by Fiona Lloyd.
Author Visits
We also have some fabulous authors coming to talk to the children about the art of writing, the process of having a story published and to share their passions and processes about writing stories. Jane Godwin, author of many books we use as mentor texts at in the classroom to model high quality writing, is coming to speak with the Foundation &1/2 students and Anna Fienberg, author of the Tashi books is coming to share her stories and experiences with the Year 3/4s and 5/6s.
There is no fun in Book Week with out a dress up parade!
Start thinking about some of your favourite characters. Our dress up day will be in Week 6. Here are some ideas to get you started …
If you have any questions about anything Literacy, please come and see me.
Jac Morphy
The Year 3/4s have been writing poems and experimenting with adjectives and verbs.
Amalia from 3/4J has written the following poem about her Mum.
My Mum
My Mum chats quietly
My Mum chats quietly, slowly
Chats quietly, slowly, happily
funnily, thoughtfully, kindly
When it is time for bed.
KIDNEWS Short Story Competition
If your child/children entered a story in this competition last term, I would love to see it. Please email any entries to me and I will share them in the coming newsletters.
If you have any questions about anything Literacy, please come and see me.
Jac Morphy