Principal Class News

Welcome Back for Term 1!

It has been such a settled start to our school year, with the students completing 8 days of 'Setting the Climate' activities to set classroom expectations, remind students of our Behaviour Matrix and provide opportunities to participate in team building activities and fun.  It has been wonderful to see the smiling faces of all of our students as I have been going in and out of classrooms each day, and I look forward to seeing their learning activities and talking to students about their work over the rest of the term.  We have a fun term planned, with our Badge Ceremony for school leaders next Friday, and with house Cross Country, Getting to Know  You interviews, Cross Country and regional Swimming to name just a few things on our upcoming calendar.

4e-Scooters out of hours

Unfortunately, we have been experience some damage to school property out of hours due to use of e-scooters.  This has included marking of concrete, play equipment and damage to some student art displays. Please discuss this with the community and remind visitors to our school to respect the school property.

Call out for help (Tues, Wed and Fri pm)

We are looking for a community volunteer to run the stop/go lollypop for the entry to our carpark for Kiss and Go on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon between 3.20pm and 3.40pm each day.  This helps us to get families back to their cars safely, whilst allowing cars to enter the carpark area.  If you are interested in helping, we would love to hear from you!


It has been lovely to see students return to school in their school uniforms. A few reminders about uniforms:

Cranbourne South Primary School’s compulsory school uniform items are as follows:

 ● Official school items with the school’s logo in emerald, navy or white (polo tops, bomber jackets, windcheaters etc). 

● Other official items without logos (summer dress, winter tunic, shorts, pants etc). ● Generic/store brand (Target, Kmart etc) pants, leggings, skirts, shorts, jumpers or jackets that are navy in colour are acceptable.

● Generic/store brand polo tops emerald in colour are acceptable. 

● Official house-coloured polo tops and broad-brimmed hats. Optional uniform items are as follows: 

● Commemorative Year 6 class tops. 

● Closed toed shoes eg. runners/sneakers/gum boots or standard school shoes 

 ● Gumboots for outdoors during wet/Winter months. 


* Booty/Bike/Football shorts are not permitted unless as an undergarment.  Regular cotton shorts are preferred 

* Open-toed shoes are not permitted, including ‘Free Dress’

Have a great weekend,
