Student Welfare and Wellbeing News
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News
Student Welfare and Wellbeing News
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News
Restorative Practice at Cranbourne South Primary School
A restorative approach focuses on building, maintaining and restoring positive relationships, particularly when incidents involve interpersonal conflict or wrongdoing occur. Restorative Practice is a positive approach that works with students, rather than doing things to them or for them.
Our goal is not to “get rid” of conflict. Conflict is a good thing – means we don’t all think and feel the same way! Conflict isn’t always bad. Without conflict we wouldn’t challenge each other and grow. Conflicts will always continue. But by working restoratively, they do not escalate in the same way.
When conflict occurs between students all staff will work with students and follow a similiar script that will involve these questions. These discussions may occur in Reflection (formerly Time Owed), classrooms or in the yard. Sometimes, these conversations will be recorded on Compass. At other times, the agreement will be made with the students.
We look forward to continuing to learn more about Restorative Practices. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Halket for a discussion.
Year 5 and 6 Students from Cranbourne South PS will have the opportunity to participate in Somers Camp Tuesday 20th to Wednesday 28th May 2025. This camp experience includes a family visit on the Sunday. We will be taking applications to attend this camp. Please send Mrs Halket an email if you would like your child to attend this camp. Limited numbers will apply. An application does not guarentee a position. Families will be advised when futher information is provided. Somers Camp Flyer is attached below.
** Please note that this is an extra camp, with the CSPS Year 5/6 City camp being held be held 6th - 8th August this year.