Assistant Principal's News
Josie Burt
Assistant Principal's News
Josie Burt
What a fantastic start to Term 4 we have had!
The dedication to learning that I have seen in all classrooms is outstanding. Thank you to families who are making the renewed effort to be in the classroom at 8.50 am to maximise learning time. Being on time not only helps your child in learning the life skill of time management, but it also allows our teachers to maximise learning opportunities for all.
Now that we are well into the warmer months all students must have a sun smart hat - bucket hat or wide-brimmed. Hats can be left in lockers to make sure they are ready for the next day.
Please make sure to label any hats and other uniform clearly so that they can be returned if found in the playground. Our lost property is overflowing with clothing that has no name on it.
Friday 25th of October is World Teachers' Day. We want to acknowledge all the fantastic work that our dedicated teachers do to make Clayton North PS such a fantastic learning environment.
Our swimming program begins on November 11th. It is part of our Physical Education program, and it is expected that all students participate. Payment and permission can still be made next week, and I encourage all families to make this commitment. It is $75 for 8 lessons and bus transport. This is the cheapest that swimming has ever been thanks to a government grant. Learning to be safe in the water is a vital skill for all who live in Australia.
We have been able to acknowledge the hard work of students who participated in the ICAS assessments over the past weeks. There are another 3 sets of certificates that will be presented at next week's assembly.