Insect Hotel Collaborative Building and Mural Design


In STEM, the Year 3 students have learned about the role that pollinators (particularly bees) play in keeping our communities healthy. To help the bees in our community, we have been constructing insect hotels that bees and other pollinators can use for shelter. Students have worked collaboratively to construct these and used problem solving skills to navigate through challenging steps. 


In Visual Arts, the Year 3 students have collaborated with small communities to create artwork that has a visual metaphor as a way to communicate an important message, they then have used this knowledge and these skills to create artwork for the insect hotels they have constructed in STEM. 


Learning Intention: 

To create different effects using paint.

To design a visual representation of a metaphor. 

To demonstrate how to effectively participate in my community.

To understand that people use science knowledge to understand the effects of our actions on the community. 

To explain the importance of pollinators in our community.


Why: Because when painting our community artwork, we want to effectively communicate the message by using the visual elements and include symbolic aspects, with the intention of the audience members thinking critically about the potential meaning. 


Success Criteria:  

I can use different wrist and finger movements to create different brush strokes. 

I can ensure I am listening to all community members’ ideas when creating a community artwork. 

I can identify ways to preserve the bee population.

I can safely follow instructions to create a bee hotel.

I can work collaboratively and problem solve with my group to make a bee hotel.