The star I want to be...
Melina: I would like to be Carly Beth from Goosebumps: The Haunted Mask because she overcomes lots of dangerous scenery including when the mask wont' come off.
Jihan: I would like to be Mr Wolf from The Bad Guys because he is the leader of the bad guys club and he is known as a big bad beast.
Ethan L: I would like to be Ninja Kid from Ninja Kid 3 because it would be great to obtain his ninja powers, have a great mindset and become a hero at the same time.
Evelyn: I would like to be Snoopy from Peanuts because Snoopy is pretty smart and will solve many problems from time to time for his friends.
Savino: I would like to be Spider-Man from The Amazing Spider-Man because it would also be fun to swing around buildings and be strong.
Tinashe: I would like to be Korra from The Legend Of Korra because she is a hero and I want to control elements to help people in need.
Janelle: The character I would want to be is Elinor from In The Keep Of Time because she has lots of courage, bravery and empathy and also has a great mindset.
Tanesha: I would like to be Hermione from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because she is really intelligent, super focused and will ace every test she does.
Ayush: I would like to be Spider-Man from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 because he never gives up his battles until the very end.
Ariana: I would like to be Dorothy from Wicked because she seems a lot like me, kind and caring but not only that, she loves to take on bad guys like the Wicked Witch in the West.
Dharam: I would like to be Willy Wonka from Wonka because he is extremely creative in the different chocolates he invents as well as having an endless supply of chocolate forever.
Niralya: I would like to be Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because she is very smart, kind and helpful to her friends.
Gayani: I would like to be Gwen from Wolf Girl because she is independent with little cute puppies and does not give up.
Emilia: I would like to be Hermione Granger from Harry Potter because she is intelligent and she knows a lot of spells.
Trithi: I want to be Percy Jackson from Sea of Monsters because he is really good at fighting and he solves big problems easily when it comes to his friends.
Ridhima: I want to be Billie from Billie B Brown because she is a creative and likes to solve mysteries just like me.
Iris: I would like to be Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid because he goes on many exciting adventures.
Olivia: I would like to be Rosalina from Super Mario Bros because she is powerful and kind.
Jayden: I would like to be Iron Man from The Avengers because he leads by example, always strives to be the best he can and helps those around him.
Sophia: I would like to be Thea Stilton from the Thea Stilton series because she’s adventurous and leads an exciting life.
Lucas: I would like to be Zac Power from Poison Island because I want to solve problems and try nifty gadgets.
Ryan X: I would like to be Le Fox from Bunny VS Monkey because his personality is like mine, and I do the things that he does when outside in the woods.
Boen: I want to be Willy Wonka from Wonka because he makes lots of amazing different types of chocolate.
Ryan H: I would like to be Captain Underpants from Captain Underpants because he has a great mind set and he always saves the day with his massive underpants.
Max G: I would like to be Tanjiro from Demon Slayer because he helps his sister get better from a demon curse and I am willing to help my brother as well.
Adi: I would like to be Iron Man from Avengers because I want to fly and have superpowers like him. Iron man is also always happy and positive.
Josephine: I would like to be Quinn from Quinn the Jade Treasure Dragon because I could go on amazing adventures.
Shashank: I would like to be Mr Snake from The Bad Guys because he is clever, intelligent and quick thinking especially in challenging situations