Chaplain’s Corner

Each year, as our Year 12s complete their final week of schooling, I invite a Year 12 student to write a devotional reflection. This year’s is written by Wil Armstrong (Student Leader). I wish our Year 12s all the best and pray their final study preparation for exams will be effective and without stress. The Class of 2024 has been an incredible group, who have faced many varied challenges, including Year 8 and 9 under lockdowns. We wish them God’s richest blessings and for their every success!
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
Dear Parents, Teachers, Peers and Juniors,
My name is Wil Armstrong, a graduating Year 12 and a member of the Oxley community since Year 7. I have not attended Oxley as long as some of my peers, however I feel very blessed to have been a part of this amazing community.
It is a strange feeling, growing up. The gradual increase in responsibilities and moving into independence. It is a feeling I felt during my first solo drive as I earned my drivers license this year. There was suddenly, an empty space beside me. Where once, there was a source of guidance and security, there was now a vacant, dull, void. I was alone. There was no voice to tell me where to go, or how to drive. Neither was there anyone to warn me of any hazard or danger. The silence was daunting. Doubts and fears were bubbling up.
It was in that uncertain moment I recalled the Truth. I was not alone. My God was in control and even then, beside me. Also, those I love had taught me well and I could always call for help. Even still, should all have come to the worst, my Saviour would be waiting by the roadside. That seat beside me did not feel so empty.
I wonder if much of life will feel like that. Perhaps there are times we will be alone and have to choose to stand up for what no one else sees as right. Or times when we are lost, and no path looks certain. Even times, when all seem to abandon you, and struggle seems insurmountable. Perhaps these things will continue to come but I can trust and know that God shall be beside me, all that is left is to trust and obey. It is like what God told the Israelites, that those who obey and follow God have no cause for fear,
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I would like to sincerely thank all the Oxley community, on behalf of the Class of 2024, for their support and all we have learnt. To our teachers, who have so diligently taught us our subjects and so much more, we will never forget your lessons. To those students, past and present, whom we have led or been led by, thank you for the incredible support you have given to each one of us and the community we have built together. To our parents, who see us for who we are and couldn’t have made it here without, thank you. To all who have been a part of our journeys, thank you.
Who knows what this next year will bring. But whether it is joy or sorrow, we can rest in the knowledge that God will be our guide in it.
Thank you, and may God bless you,
Wil Armstrong
Year 12 Student Leader, Class of 2024