VCE Music Unit 4 Concert

The Unit 4 VCE Concert was held in the BPAC on the evening of Thursday 10 October, with parents, friends and staff able to enjoy performances by Atlanta Schaeche (violin), Chloe Skipworth (alto-saxophone), Vanda Amin Moayyed (piano), Ezra Rickard (piano), and Xin Ran Huang (piano). Each student performed their entire Unit 4 program in preparation for the external VCAA assessments.
A highlight of the night was journeying with the students through their insightful program choices which covered an entertaining and absorbing range of periods and styles. Judging by the performances given by the students, they can attempt their performance assessments with confidence, as well as looking to communicate a message through their interpretations.
William van Pinxteren
VCE Music teacher