Grade 6 News

This week's newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leader Bella, with Annalise and Molly
Important Reminders
- Government high school acceptance forms are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible.
- Thank you for getting the sports uniforms washed and returned. The process will continue across multiple events in Term 4.
Upcoming Dates
November 5th - Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday)
November 7th - Grade 6 Boys Netball Day
November 11th - Curriculum Day
December 9th - Senior School Bike Rid
December 13th - Senior School Trivia Day
December 17th - Pool & Movies Excursion
December 18th - Grade 6 Graduation
Regional Athletics Day: By James & Alicia
Yesterday, some kids from LPS went to Doncaster to represent the school in Regional athletics. We had lots of Fun! Some of the kids who competed were Fletcher, Alicia, Kaylee, Quinn, Lacey and Zarlie. Mr Thomas, Mrs Halsted and Bronwyn Phillip were there to support us and cheer us on.
I (James) competed in 3 events, 100 metres I came 1st, long Jump and shot put, I came 2nd in both of these events. These results mean I will be going to State Athletics on the 6th of November and competing in all of these events again.
Learning in Action
Literacy: By Bella G
Ciao everyone, in Grade Six this week and these past few weeks, we have been doing an author's study on Shaun Tan. As we’ve been reading all of his books, from “Cicada” to “The Arrival”, they’ve all given us a picture about the types of books Shaun Tan likes to write and about him as a person. I personally recommend reading his books because; they’re interesting, have deeper meaning and symbolism and could be of interest if you’re looking for something new. We’ve started our short stories, and no these stories aren't only a paragraph long, they have to be at least a page long. In these stories, we have to focus on a couple of things, like symbolism, an emotion and we also have to try to connect our stories to real-world issues. Well Ciao again reader, see you next week.
Preview for Learning: By Bella G
Bonjour readers, throughout the next few weeks, we’ll be starting the MOST exciting project of this year, what we’ve all been waiting to do since prep, SCRAPBOOKING. In case you don’t know what scrapbooking is, the grade 6’s write 1 writing piece for each year level they’ve completed and put them all in a book along with lots of pictures and decorations. It’s extremely fun and we’re all excited.
Quick reminder: Parents, make sure you remember to buy your child's scrapbook. Because all of the grade 6s are starting our scrapbooking in week 5.
Maths: By Annalise N
Recently we have been looking at tessellations and percentages. If you don’t already know, tessellations are pictures with a repeating format, that fit in with no gaps, but don’t look at it for too long or it becomes very bizarre.
We have also been learning about percentages. Percentages are a way of comparing numbers out of 100 and are that are often used in equations. Percentages can be used in the real world a lot as well! Some examples of percentages this are: Discounts, interest rate and scores on tests.
Preview for Learning: Molly A
In the upcoming weeks for maths we will be reviewing decimals and percentages. We have been learning about these in the past few weeks. Percentages are numbers out of 100 whilst decimals are a fraction of 10, 100 or 1000. Thank you for reading.
Lysterfield Football League:
The LFL has commenced for season 2024. This league will be run by the Senior School teachers and is made up of 5 teams with a mix of Grade 6 and Grade 5 students. The teams are the Hicksie Pixies, Mac's Magic, Holmes Swooping Magpies, Mac & Cheese's and the Halstead/Waldron Wolves.
Each game is umpired by students (with Teacher assistance of course) and has votes that will be tallied for our LPS Best and Fairest medal. Goodluck to all teams!
Regional Volleyball: By Mitch B
The recent regional volleyball tournament showcased an intense competition among teams, with our squad featuring players Mitch, Luke, Colby, Fin, Luke, Jimmy, Lucas, Tyler, Jack P, and Blake. We kicked off the tournament on a high note, winning our first game decisively and gaining momentum into the third set. However, despite our strong start, we faced challenges in the following game, ultimately leading to our defeat. The players demonstrated commendable teamwork and resilience throughout the matches, laying a solid foundation for future improvements and strategies as we prepare for upcoming challenges. It was sadly the same for the third game losing in the third set, finishing 5th in the region.
Term 4 Inquiry in Grade 6 has a brand new look! We are working through a new unit based on why people work and how they evolve into a career. Each class has explored what types of employment conditions there are (i.e. full-time, part-time, volunteer, casual, etc.), whilst also investigating different work environments. Following that, students have been comparing and contrasting the way people work now, in the past and predicting the future. The students have begun exploring career pathways and investigating something they are interested in learning more about.
We were also very fortunate to have a veterinarian, an electrician, an olympic athlete and an AFLW player come into talk to the Grade 6's these past two weeks. The students asked engaging questions about what choices they made to get to their chosen area of work. The Vet shared with us the highs and lows of her job, she was very interesting. The AFWL player Keeley told the students what it takes to be an elite athlete and her training schedule and tasks she does to play for Carlton. Kate (Olympic Gymnast) shared about her study of Marine Biology helping her prepare for life after striving for olympic glory.
In Term 3, we commenced a unit using the Rock & Water framework, whilst also complementing this work with a unit in the Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationship program. As we barely scratched the surface, we have decided to continue the learning in Term 4.
Rock & Water is helping students to understand how it is important to sometimes be passive, and in other circumstances, we need to be more assertive. The fundamentals in this program are great for having conversations at home as well. Students can find it really difficult to navigate through social situations. Becoming more familiar with moments to be “water” in order to be passive or be more “rock” by standing your ground is a skill that needs to be learnt and practised.
The students here are trying to use teamwork to stand up together.
Icy Poles
We have recommenced selling icy poles from the Senior School building each Monday and Tuesday. Send along some gold coins as it will help with raising funds for Graduation.
Graduation Scrapbooks
We are not far away from commencing the scrapbooking process to reflect on the primary school years. Scrapbooking will commence in the near future so be sure to secure your scrapbook when you can. The students have been told what they can also purchase (optional) that will assist with the scrapbooking.