Grade 5 News

Important Reminders
Upcoming Dates
Friday 1st November - Knox Rugby Gala (selected students)
Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Thursday, November 7th - Regional Boys Netball Carnival (selected students)
Friday, November 8th - Bike Education (session 1- no bike required)
Friday 8th November - Colour Run (no assembly)
Monday 11th November - Curriculum (Student-free) Day
Tuesday 3rd December - Year 5 Market Day
Learning in Action
This fortnight, the students have continued to engage with our author study on Shaun Tan during our reading lessons. Each class has explored a different picture storybook by Shaun and discussed the underlying themes including character traits, symbolism and real world issues. This has led to a number of deep discussions about issues such as racism, war, isolation and pollution.
In Writing, we have continued working on our narrative where our main character changes throughout the story due to an event or experience. We have developed our character and their traits by using the ‘show, don’t tell’ strategy. This is when we don’t say that a character is mean, but show that they are mean through their interactions, conversations and behaviours. Students were also given the opportunity to edit, revise and publish their stories. In our grammar lessons, we have been practising how to correctly punctuate sentences containing dialogue and using fronted adverbial phrases. This is where an adverb that describes the when, where or how begins a sentence to describe the action that follows.
Examples of direct speech
“What an amazing day!” he exclaimed as he left the adventure playground.
Trying not to panic, Sam asked, “Did you see my phone on the bus?”
Examples of a fronted adverbial phrase
Early this morning, he ate his breakfast. (when)
Messily and distracted, he ate his breakfast. (how)
At the cafe, he ate his breakfast. (where)
During Word Work, we completed our learning about the Latin base word ‘rupt’ and began exploring the Greek base ‘zo’. Zo means ANIMAL. Zo is often used at the beginning of words and often used in scientific words which describe or name things about animals. We have explored the different words that contain ‘zo’ and the way different morphemes come together to make a word from this base.
Preview for Learning: Students will begin working on their Passion Projects. This is a writing project where students will complete a new writing genre each week about their passion. The first week will be a narrative. During Reading, we will be exploring the differences between round and flat characters and identifying examples of each in familiar stories.
During grammar, we will be looking at the placement of an adverb in a sentence. Finally, in Word Work, students will explore words containing the Latin base word ‘tract’.
In our Number lessons, we have continued to look at adding money values and calculating change. Students completed multi step, worded problems to apply their knowledge. We discussed that Australia has a 10% GST tax and learnt how to calculate 10% of a money value. Students explored the terms income and expenses and practised using a financial plan to keep within a budget.
In our applied unit, we have been learning about chance and probability. When posed with a problem, we calculated all the different combinations possible for a scenario. This enabled students to state the chance and probability of something occurring. Students also looked at shapes and determined if the shape had any lines of symmetry. Students also transformed shapes by sliding, rotating and reflecting them.
Preview for Learning: We will be continuing to investigate shapes by looking more into transformations.
As students have delved deeper into our Economics unit, we have explored how sometimes there is a scarcity of resources and how this impacts the economy. We discussed why an item might become scarce and how this results in countries importing and exporting resources. Prices can fluctuate depending on the country's need for an item. We made connections to a jacket store that at the end of Winter has excess, or a surplus in stock. As a result, the store might have a sale. Students can apply this knowledge when planning and delivering their Market Day venture.
Preparations are underway for Market Day. Students have formed groups and have brainstormed ideas for their upcoming stall. Teachers will look at all suggestions and ensure we don’t have too many double ups of the one idea. Therefore, in the coming week, all stalls will be finalised and students will be notified so they can prepare for Market Day.
Preview for Learning: Students will complete a business plan, where they will consider all the costs involved with running their Market Day stall. This will help students determine the prices of the goods and services in their stall and to ensure their stall is profitable.
Grade 5's Out and About
5WH visiting the nursing home
Regional Athletics
From the Grade 5 Teachers
Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey