Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Upcoming dates/Important Info
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - 5th of November
Colour Run - 8th of November
Curriculum Day - 11th of November
Homework 👍Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising
NO Hat NO play Sunsmart policy
Learning in Action
Students have continued to work hard on their narratives using the Narrative Hill plan and following the writing process to edit and revise their writing. Using a storyboard students have mapped out the illustrations that they will include in their picture storybook. Students have been learning about different text features that enhance a story. Reading different picture books, students have looked at onomatopoeia, character traits, symbolism and colour and how these features improve a story.
Looking forward, students will create and illustrate their picture storybooks. Students will continue with a focus on different types of verbs in their grammar lessons. In week 6 students will begin their persuasive writing unit.
Students have been learning to understand fractions of a collection, including halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths. They worked in pairs to organise a pile of counters into arrays, created a fraction and recorded the fraction on their whiteboard. They flipped this skill by using the counters to represent a given fraction. Students were introduced to a number line 0-1 and discussed where on the number line to place fractions. We had discussions around equivalent fractions, such as two quarters is equal to one half. During problem-solving, students collaborated in pairs to try and solve the unknown value of symbols and used this information to work out the missing total of one row.
Students will continue to apply their knowledge of fractions to play fraction games, before we move into learning about money.
During the past fortnight, students have been exploring different energy sources in more detail. Classes have begun to rotate around to the different grade 3 teachers, with each teacher explaining more about one of the following energy sources: hydroelectricity (with Mrs Stokol), solar (with Miss Du Vallon), fossil fuels (with Mrs Huxley), and wind (with Mrs Alexander). Students have been summarising what each type of energy is and where it comes from, drawing diagrams of how the energy is collected, and discussing the positives and negatives of each type of energy.
Students will continue to rotate to the remaining two teachers, exploring the last two energy sources that they haven’t yet looked at in detail.
This fortnight has really captured the students’ attention. We have been exploring gender norms through literature. We read a traditional fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, and compared the stereotypical depictions of the males and females, noting their appearance, clothing and actions. Students then viewed a modern-day version of it and identified the differences in role portrayal. We then wondered what messages these stories might give boys and girls? ie- men and boys are supposed to be brave and strong and rescue the weak but beautiful girls.
This week we continued looking at gender stereotypes in advertising of children's toys. Who was playing with which toys, how were they dressed, what colours were the toys and ads? We discussed how we learn gender from the people around us, books and advertising and that this can change over time.
In the next fortnight we will continue to look at gender roles in children’s programs and ads. Students will become media detectives, identifying the intended audience, the popular characters and what they do, and what the hidden messages are. We will discuss ways in which we can become more aware of the gender roles being portrayed.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Grade 3 Team,
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne