Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Grade 2 Library is on Mondays. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly.
Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 8th November - Colour Run
Monday 11th November - Curriculum day
Friday 15th November- Grade 2 Author study celebration
Learning in action
We are coming to the end of our Author study with one more week left. Each class has read 4 different Oliver Jeffers books, making comparisons between them, inferences about characters, predictions and identifying different elements of the story using the narrative hill.
In preparation for Author Study celebration, students are helping create life-size cutouts of one character from each book.
The books we have read and yet to read are:
- How to catch a star
- Stuck
- Lost and Found
- The Great Paper Caper
- Fate of Fausto
This last fortnight students have been revising how to edit sentences. For example, students identified missing capital letters at the start of a sentence and when proper nouns were used, missing punctuation at the end of the sentence, added in conjunctions and improved vocabulary. Students planned and drafted another narrative, editing and revising their piece, ready for publishing.
We are learning to identify common and proper nouns.
This fortnight students have continued learning about place value of 2-digit, 3-digit and 4-digit numbers. We have looked at counting forwards and backwards by 1s,10s and 100s and making, representing and decomposing numbers. Last week Grade 2 students investigated sliding and flipping shapes. Students had to follow directions given such as 'slide to the left', 'half' and 'quarter' turns and draw their new position. We challenged students by giving them 2 of the same shapes, with the transformation already applied and they had to describe what happened to the shape.
For the next few weeks students will be learning about money.
This term Grade 2 students are learning about Rivers around the world. This fortnight we discussed how rivers bring life to farms and cities and why farmers use rivers. We learnt about the Nile River, Huang He River, Yangtze River, Indus River, Ganges River and why people settle close to rivers.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers