Student Awards

Students of the Week
Toby J, 3A - for always displaying the HERRRBy values inside and outside of the classroom.
Amreen B, 1C - It has been wonderful to see how your confidence has grown in all aspects of school life. You are a delight to have in Grade 1C.
HERRRBy Awards
Abby P, 6B - for always putting the highest level of care and quality into everything you do. You are second-to-none!
Green HERRRBY Award
Felix D, 2C - for responsibly collecting our rubbish free lunch points to ensure we reduce our waste. Keep it up!
Spencer G, PA - for your amazing written responses to picture prompts. We love how you include nouns, verbs and adjectives in your responses. Keep up the amazing work!!
Noa T, PB - for your fabulous effort writing an interesting recount about your holiday in Thailand. I loved reading it. You can do it!
Liam C, PC - for writing incredible sentences, using an adjective, noun, verb and now conjunctions. It is very impressive, keep up the good work!
Fox D, PD - for having a great start in Prep D, you are already in the swing of things and have made some new friends!
Austin C, 1A - for his outstanding holiday journal full of exciting adventures, photos and interesting memorabilia. What a wonderful memory.
Oksana R, 1B - for your positive attitude towards learning. You always challenge yourself and encourage others to do the same.
Indiana A, 1D - for writing an entertaining story about a bird who could not whistle. You should be proud of how much your writing has improved this year.
Finn P, 2A - for being such a knowledgeable and creative thinking member of 2A. We will miss you!
Olivia B, 2B - for writing a fantastic persuasive text, arguing that students should wear school uniforms. Your reasons and examples were very convincing!
Gal R, 2C - for being such a supportive classmate and always encouraging your peers. You are always so positive and kind. Well Done!
Felix L, 2D - for demonstrating beautiful manners and exemplary behaviour. What a superstar!
Freya S, 4A - for her well written persuasive pieces making sure she uses strong persuasive language to persuade the reader! Well done Freya :)
Audrey C, 4B - for her outstanding travel journal of her time in China and the generosity she showed towards her classmates.
Lucy N, 4C - For writing strong topic sentences and supporting arguments during our persuasive writing lessons. Well done!
Nina H, 5A – for always working hard to be the best she can be and doing so with a smile!
Jack S, 5B - for being funny, kind, smart and delightfully honest.
Levi C, 5C - for exceptional focus and effort, leading to outstanding achievements.
Henry D, 5D - for writing strong and powerful arguments for our parliamentary debates.
Wilba G, 6A - for doing a wonderful job helping to run Japanese Day, and for also being a respectful, hardworking and kind kid every day!
Abby P, 6B - for always putting the highest level of care and quality into everything you do. You are second-to-none!
Eitan M, 6C - for his leadership, help and kindness on Japanese Day.
Lenny B, 6D - for always sharing her opinions and knowledge and her lovely smile with her 6D classmates.
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Seth M, 5D - for following instructions well and showing respectful manners during Japanese Class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Gemma T, 6C - for demonstrating HERRRBY values and working diligently during Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"
Blake K, PD - for saying Ohayo or Konnichiwa cheerfully whenever he sees sensei.
すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"
Piper W, 1B - for demonstrating HERRRBy values and trying her best during Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"
Jude L, 2C - for enquiring into what she learned in Japanese and sharing her thoughts after the lesson. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!