Principal's Report

Japanese Day
Our Japanese Day last Wednesday was a resounding success! Our students had a fantastic time dressing up and engaging in special activities. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Naoko Nishikawa for her hours and hours of work in making sure this event was valuable and memorable. Special appreciation goes to Deb Putt for coordinating the Sushi lunch and to all the parents that helped packaging the 800 sushi, ready for distribution to the children.
Thank you all for contributing to the excitement and joy of Japanese Day!
Family Getaway Weekend
It was so great to hear about the fabulous time had by the 150 families that attended the inaugural weekend getaway at Healesville! The weather was perfect and the planning prior to the event ensured all went off without a hitch! I have never heard of a school community organising a weekend away of this magnitude but this is what makes our school community unique and so very special. A big thank you to the organising committee that made the event possible! Go Gardenvale!
World Teachers’ Day
In Australia World Teachers’ Day was celebrated on Friday 25th October. At Gardenvale PS however we will acknowledge the day on Monday 4th November. For us we call it ‘World Gardenvale Staff Day’, it is a day we recognise all our dedicated staff. It certainly takes an army of staff for our school to run smoothly, purposefully, and provide outstanding educational programs. We acknowledge and thank our amazing staff for their skilled work in educating, inspiring, supporting and caring for our students. Our PFA have organised a special morning tea for our staff next Monday, 4th November. I am sure they would really appreciate a thank you message from their students and parents.
Swimming Program
Our Year 3 to 5 Swimming Program at Waves Swimming Pool commences Wednesday 6th November and will conclude on Friday 15th November. Then it will be our Junior Campus students turn to be involved in the swimming program for 9 sessions from Tuesday 19th November.
Classes for 2025
A reminder that Friday, 1st November is the cut-off date for class placement requests from parents. Please note teacher requests will not be considered. Please include your child’s name and current class in your request. Written requests received by the above date will be considered along with teacher judgement. Please email your request to
Families who are not returning to Gardenvale PS (apart from Year 6 students) in 2025 are asked to inform the office in writing. This will assist with forward planning and class structures for the coming year.
Have a lovely week,
Janine hall