
Lunch Orders & School Canteen
We would like to welcome the Oatlands School Community back to the Canteen in 2025. Unfortunately, due to increases from our suppliers over the past 12 months we have been required to increase the prices on some of our items. However, we do endeavour to prices as low as possible. We have added a new Oatlands Hamburger to the menu and this is available on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Our menu has an extensive list of Halal and Vegetarian options.
Parents of Prep and Grade 1 students please be aware your child cannot purchase canteen items over the counter for their friends. This is to prevent a student having an allergic reaction to an item they may not be able to have. Prep and Grade 1 students are limited to purchasing one item at recess and one item at lunchtime.
Oatlands encourages parents, guardians and grandparents to help out in the canteen. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to help and students love seeing you there. If you are interested in volunteering, the canteen is looking for helpers on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please complete the attach Canteen Volunteer Form and return it to the office.
All canteen orders are to processed through Flexischools. The canteen does not accept cash orders. Flexischools, operates in more than 1700 schools across Australia, enabling parents to order school lunches online or via the Flexischools app.
Parents need to simply download the Flexischools app from the Apple or Google store and follow the prompts to create an account. You can download the App and find registration and online ordering instruction on the website. If you already have a Flexischools account for another student then just select the Profile icon on the app and +Add New Student.
Kinds regards,
The Canteen Team