School Related Information

Hi Oatlands Families,


Our Getting To Know Your Child Meetings (Grades 1 – 6 only) with your child’s classroom teacher(s) will be conducted on Monday 17th February and Wednesday 19th February.


Getting To Know Your Child Meetings are a terrific opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher(s), if you haven’t already, share any important information about your child and ask any questions. Meetings will be conducted online via WebEx by default. However, if you would prefer to have you meeting in person, please contact your child's classroom teacher and the meeting can be scheduled as a face-to-face meeting.


To enable teachers to conduct meetings with each student’s family, students in Grade 1 - 6 will be dismissed at 1:00pm on Wednesday 19th FebruaryWednesday remains a student free day for Prep students, as scheduled, and Monday 17th February is a normal school day with students dismissed at 3:30pm.


Students who are unable to be picked up at 1:00pm on Wednesday 19th February, or students who will be attending Camp Australia later in the afternoon (After School Care) on that day, will be supervised at school until 3:30pm and then the normal arrangement from 3:30pm on will apply for students not going to After School Care (all students must be picked up by 4:00pm at the latest).


Bookings for these meetings will be made via Compass and bookings will open on, Monday 10th February. You will be notified via Compass at the exact time the bookings are opened on Compass.


Please note: Jess Sutherland (6JS), Jamie Rolfe (6JR) & Bec Finger (6RF) will not be available for meetings on the above dates due to school camp, and Nicole Lamb (1NL) & Bessy Rus (3ER) will also not be available for meeting on the above dates, as they will be on leave. Meeting dates for those grades are as follows:


  • 3ER, 6JS, 6JR & 6JS – Monday 3rd March & Wednesday 5th March

(bookings open Monday 24th February on Compass)


  • 1NL – Tuesday 11th March & Wednesday 12th March

(bookings open Monday 3rd February on Compass)


Kind regards,

Oatlands Primary School

School Photos 

Our professional school photos will be photographed by Advanced Life Victoria on the following dates, 


Individual & Class Photos - Wednesday 19th March 2025

Sibling Photos - Thursday 20th March 2025.


As a reminder, please read our school's policy around digital media disclosure.


Our policy discusses the use of photographs, videos and recordings of your child. 


Please be aware, as part of our policy under the School Community (External Public Use) section, only students first name will be displayed on the 'class' photo.


Please read the attachments to start ordering your photos now, the Oatlands unique code can be found on the compass newsfeed. 


If you wish to pay by cash, the envelopes can be collected from the office.  These envelopes should be return no later than photo day.




If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact the school on 9705 6055. 


Many thanks,

Oatlands Primary School

2025 Kitchen Dietary Requirements and Consent


Kitchen dietary requirements and consent forms have been posted on Compass. These forms are due back to school by Tuesday the 11th of February. Unfortunately without consent, your child will not be able to participate in the Kitchen program.  

Hats in School

A reminder that hats are compulsory for students to wear at recess and lunchtime through until the end of April. 

No hat, no play.


Primary Music Institute 


Oatlands School Council 


We have an opportunity for one parent member on our School Council. If you are interested in nominating, forms are available from the school office.