Principal Report

Welcome back to Oatlands PS for 2025! We hope that you had an enjoyable and relaxing break. It has been another great start to the school year. This term is a really busy one and we have hit the road running already with a number of year level and whole school activities. On Thursday we had many of our middle and senior school take part in our swimming sports, which was another excellent event where our students tried their best.
Coming up this term we have our Assembly for our Grade 1 to 6 students, Grade 6 camp to Wilson’s Prom, Grade 3 and 5 NAPLAN testing, Chess tuition, student and class photo day and Grade 6 Summer Sports Gala Day.
Oatlands PS is a values driven school and these values form the foundation of everything we undertake at Oatlands. A key part to this is the value of KINDNESS. How we behave and communicate to other people matters.
During our day if we can display kindness to those we meet our day will be improved and those around us will feel better. Everyday we see many examples of our staff and students being kind to those around them. It is also important that we show kindness to ourselves and care for ourselves by eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water and exercising. Showing kindness doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE!
Wes Holloway