Sports Newsletter 

2025 Team Vic State Team Trials 

Registrations are now open for any child (12 years and under) who would like to try out for the Victorian State Teams. The School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic representative program provides a development platform for Victorian students to challenge themselves against Australia’s best school aged athletes across numerous sports at the annual School Sport Australia (SSA) Championships. SSV coordinate the selection process for Team Vic teams in partnership with relevant state sporting organisations.

Registrations close at 11:59pm, Friday, 28 February, 2025. 


View up-to-date information regarding 2025 Sport & Registration Dates. (All found on the SSV website Under Team Vic heading).


Please see the new Team Vic Principal Endorsement Sheet process for the following teams in 2025:

  • Australian Football 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)
  • Basketball 12 Years & Under Girls/Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)
  • Football (Soccer) 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)
  • Netball 12 Years & Under Girls (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)
  • Cricket 12 Years & Under Boys (Closes on Friday 1st March, 2024)


Students are reminded that the skills required for these teams must be exceptional.  It is not a ‘Come and Try’ system. Students are required to check with the school principal or sports teacher for endorsement to go to the trials. 

Registrations for interest can be found at


Sports days for Classes

Monday - Year 6TR, Year 6KT, Year 6SF, Year 5MC

Tuesday - Year 4LG, Year 4TR, Foundation SF, Year 5DC, Year 5JT

Wednesday - Year 3KM, Year 3AH, Year 1MD, Year 1LC, Year 2RO

Thursday - Year 2RB, Year 2FM, Year 1AG, Foundation SN, Year 3ME


It is very important that children wear their sports uniform on their dedicated sports day and bring a drink bottle (or two on the hot days).


Geelong Cats Visit

This Wednesday 5th February the Geelong Cats (AFL) will visit the school for the Year 3 students (12:30pm) and the Year 4 students (1:00pm). This will involve a short question and answer segment and then a small football clinic. Students will need to wear their sports uniform on this day. They may like to wear or bring along their football gear to be signed etc. No football boots please. 

All students at Sacred Heart are invited to the Geelong AFL: Come & Play clinic on Wednesday night from 4:00pm – 5:00pm at Colac Central Reserve. See the attached flyer on the Community page for more information.


Sacred Heart Swimming Sports Years 4-6 

The Sacred Heart Swimming sports will take place on Thursday 13th February at Blue Water Fitness Centre. All students from Years 4-6 have the opportunity to participate in this event. The swimming sports will start at 11:00am and finish at 2:00pm. Students will walk to Bluewater. We do need parent helpers on the day, so can you please indicate on PAM if you can assist.

(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)

A reminder to helpers, you must hold a current ‘Working With Children Check’ and the school office has sighted and entered your details.


Victorian Hockey Roadshow

On Monday 17th February, the Victorian Hockey Roadshow will be visiting Sacred Heart to teach our year 5 and 6 students some hockey skills. Students will need to wear their sports uniform and hat on this day, and bring along their drink bottle. We look forward to learning some new skills.


Colac Division Tennis Tournament

The Colac Division Primary Schools Tennis Tournament will take place on Friday 21st February at the Colac Lawn Tennis Courts in Church Street. Students in Year 5 and 6 can trial for this event. Students must be able to serve consistently and have an understanding of the scoring of tennis. Students who are interested must place their name on the Sacred Heart Sports Notice Board (in the gym). 

The day will start at 9:30am and finish at approximately 1:30pm. More information will go home to selected students.


Sacred Heart Athletics Years 3-6 

The Sacred Heart Athletics will take place on Thursday 27th February at Colac Central Reserve. All students from Years 3-6 will have the opportunity to participate in this event. The athletics will start at 9:30am and finish at 1:30pm. Students will walk to the Central Reserve. We do need parent helpers on the day, so can you please indicate on PAM if you can assist.

(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)

A reminder to helpers, you must hold a current ‘Working With Children Check’ and the school office has sighted and entered your details.


Bus Costs for 2025

Due to the rising costs of bus hire, this year in 2025, any student who makes it through to a Greater Western event or State event will be charged $10 to go towards the cost of the bus. Parents, Grandparents etc who would like to go on the bus to any of these events will be charged a fee of $20. We thank you for your understanding with this matter.


Important Dates

Thursday 13th February – Sacred Heart Swimming Sports Years 4-6 (Bluewater)

Monday 17th February – Hockey Victorian Roadshow

Friday 21st February – Colac Division Tennis (Colac Lawn Courts)

Thursday 27th March – Sacred Heart Athletics Carnival Years 3-6 (Colac Central Reserve) 

Thursday 6th March – Colac Division Athletics (Central Reserve)

Wednesday 26th March – Greater Western Swimming Championships (Horsham)

Monday 31st March – Colac Division Lawn Bowls (Lake Bowling Club)

Friday 4th April - Sacred Heart Athletics Years F-2 (at Sacred Heart)


Sacred Heart Sports Stars 2025


Name: Felix Dare (Yr 6KT)

1. What sports do you play? The sports I play is football are basketball, football and cricket.

2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is basketball.

3. Why is this your favourite sport? Basketball is my favourite sport because I love the game, it is fun and you need good skills for the game.

4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when my team won the basketball finals.

5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is that I have a strong body and  I am also athletic.

6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because I like to keep active and it is fun.

7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Shaquille O’Neal

8. Why are they your favourite? O’Neal was my favourite player because he was unstoppable on the basketball court, no one could guard him.

9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the LA Lakers.

10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am a good team mate and I am hard working and skillful.


Name: Charlotte Phillips (Yr 6KT)

1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are netball and swimming.

2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is netball.

3. Why is this your favourite sport? Netball is my favourite sport because you can run around a lot, and you get to shoot goals.

4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when me and my team won the netball Grandfinal.

5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my throwing skills and I am accurate when I shoot goals.

6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport it gives me the chance to run around and I enjoy it.

7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is netballer Liz Watson.

8. Why are they your favourite? Liz Watson is my favourite player because she sets a good example to others.

9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Simpson Tigers.

10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am fun and energetic.


Thanks Nicole Lynch