Primary Bulletin

Illegal Parking
We have observed increasing instances of illegal and inappropriate parking during the drop-off and pick-up times in the surrounding streets of the College.
Ensuring the safety of our children and the comfort of our neighbours is a priority that requires our collective effort. Unfortunately, improper parking practices are creating hazards for both students and local residents. These issues include obstructing traffic flow, reducing visibility for drivers and pedestrians, and increasing the risk of accidents. Additionally, our neighbours are facing difficulties due to blocked driveways and restricted access, which affects their daily routines and quality of life.
We kindly remind everyone to adhere to the parking regulations and guidelines in place.
This includes:
- Avoiding parking in restricted zones (yellow lines) or partially blocking driveways
- Utilising designated drop-off and pick-up areas only
- Observing all traffic signs and signals to ensure safe and smooth operations during busy times.
Please find further explanations of Traffic Rules here, from Brisbane City Council.
Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe environment for our children and respecting the needs of our local community. We encourage all parents to park in designated areas and if you are walking into the Campus to drop off or collect your child, please do not park in or opposite Circular Drive.
Let us all work together to uphold these standards and demonstrate our commitment to the wellbeing of our school and neighbourhood.
Pre-Prep Parent Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
Save the Date
Please refer to the Parent communication, which was emailed home on Monday 24 February.
The Parent Lounge Parent Teacher Interviews Booking System will open at 7:00pm Wednesday 26 February and close at 9:00pm Wednesday 12 March.
Harmony Day Assembly
Please save the date for our Harmony Day Assembly on 21 March 2025 at 10:45am at the PE Centre. If a student would like to process in our ceremony, please register via the following link:
NAPLAN Preparation and Testing
If your child is in Years 3 or 5, they should now have the NAP 2025 lockdown browser installed on their device. Please check that they also have a working set of wired headphones in their device case and that their device is coming to school fully charged each day. We will be running a 'readiness' test on Monday 3 March, during which students will be taken to their testing room and walked through sample questions from each test on their device. Not having the correct equipment for this may result in the practice being stressful and much less beneficial for them.
NAPLAN testing itself commences on Wednesday 12 March. We recommend that on testing days, students eat a good breakfast and avoid listening to the radio, as coverage of NAPLAN is often alarmist and increases the worry our students feel. If your child is naturally anxious about the testing, please remind them that it is just a snapshot of what they know today, so that the government can track how well schools are teaching the children in Australia.
Semester 1 and Semester 2 Gallery Walks
At the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2, parents are invited to attend Gallery Walks for their child's/ren's year level. These gallery walks are scheduled to showcase the learning which has occurred over the Semester. We will include the dates for Semester 1 in upcoming newsletters and teachers will also provide further communication to parents.
Save the Date
Interschool Chess Tournament Years 1 to 12
Clayfield College will be hosting a Chess Tournament on Monday 31 March. Students from Years 1 to 12 are invited to sign up. Please let Mrs Bryan know if you are interested in participating. The tournament will run from 9:30am until 2:00pm. Students need to bring their usual morning tea, lunch, and water bottle, and will be supervised by Clayfield College staff.
Don’t forget you can book in for chess classes with Chess Mates (External Provider Activity) if you want to get some practice in beforehand!
“Excellent Start” Parent Workshop Pre-Prep to Year 2
In Week 6, on Tuesday 4 March at 8:45am in the Lower LRC, Pre-Prep to Year 2 parents are invited to come and learn about our Excellent Start in the early years at Clayfield College.
At this workshop, you will learn how to support our programs in Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Numeracy, by assisting in the classroom and at home. You will find out how to ask comprehension questions following reading, what are reading strategies, ways to practise spelling words, developing ideas in writing, and why number sense is important.
Please register your attendance via this form link.
Prep Incursions
As part of their scientific study of Materials, our Prep students have enjoyed two incursions in the last couple of weeks. They first welcomed Reverse Garbage for an eco-art incursion, making wind chimes from recycled materials. They investigated the properties of salvaged materials to guide their choices of what to add to their innovative creations.
The Preps next welcomed Brisbane City Council’s education team who brought in their “It’s not a load of rubbish” workshop and added a sustainability lens to their view of materials. Students explored issues associated with waste and how they can reduce their waste at school and home.
With Brisbane’s landfills due to be full within 3 years, Preps decided to take the challenge to their families to encourage them to REDUCE, REUSE, REPURPOSE, and RECYCLE. What is your family going to do to take up the challenge?
International Women's Day Breakfast
Screens, Social Media and Our Kids
Date: Thursday 13 March 2025
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Venue: Online
Cost: Free
In this parent webinar, tween/teen champion Michelle Mitchell and Clinical and school psychologist Dr Matt O’Connor will discuss some practical strategies, tips and insights for helping your child foster a healthy relationship with technology and unpack some ways to
help your family prepare for the upcoming social media ban.
Learn more and register via the link below.
Michelle Mitchell
Tween/teen expert and parenting educator
Dr Matt O'Connor
Clinical and school psychologist
Date | Event |
Friday 28 February | Britton Shield Swimming Competition |
Monday 10 March | Andrews Cup Swimming Competition |
Wednesday 12 March to Friday 14 March | NAPLAN Testing: Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 |
Monday 17 March | NAPLAN Testing: Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 |
Tuesday 18 March | Harmony Day Assembly at 10:45am |
Tuesday 18 March to Wednesday 19 March | NAPLAN Testing Catch Ups: Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 |
Thursday 20 March | Britton Shield Football Competition |
Tuesday 25 March | Andrews Cup Tennis Competition |
Sunday 30 March | Ashburn, Campbell and Gibson House Chapel |
Thursday 3 April | Term 1 Ends |