A message from Margie

Ready to Learn
Our focus across the school this past week has been on being Ready to Learn. Each student is creating their own Ready to Learn Plan, highlighting what they need to do at the start of the day to be ready, what they can do in each of the 4 zones during the day to help them with their learning, and how the adults at school can help them. Below you can see some students' completed Ready to Learn plans. Each plan is unique since students aim to select tools and strategies that work best for them specifically.
The younger students at school will be taking a bit longer to learn and consolidate the Zones and tools available and their plans will look a bit different with images they choose showing the tools and strategies to help them instead of words. I'll share some of their completed plans later this term!
You might consider asking your children how they made sure they were Ready to Learn this week!
Acquaintance Night
It was great to see so many of you at our Acquaintance Night this week. I'd like to thank the teachers for taking the time to prepare such informative sessions. I'd also like to thank all of the families who attended for your support and interest in your children's education! Finally thank you to the Basket Range Cricket Club for the BBQ and the Parents and Friends for the ice blocks and uniform stall; all of which created a welcoming atmosphere for families to gather and socialise before and after the information sessions. We always feel lucky to have such a supportive and connected school community. A night to celebrate!
A few reminders
- Food Nut Awareness policy -
- We have a number of children with nut allergies, so please remember not to send any items containing nuts ('may contain traces' is ok)
We ask that families do not provide lollies /chocolate / cake for children’s class birthday celebrations or give out Easter or Christmas sweet treats at school. Instead, birthdays will be celebrated with a song in class.
Trees- We ask children not to climb trees at school, and we would appreciate your help in not allowing your children to climb trees before or after school as well. Whilst we absolutely celebrate kids learning to climb trees in other settings, we are unable to provide the regulated 'softfall' and other safety measures for this at school.
Students should now all be dropped off at the gate in the mornings. We ask parents to allow their children to come into school and to get ready for class independently. I am very happy to help you with this if it is challenging for your child! Please send me a SeeSaw message if I can help.
- If students arrive a few minutes early to school, they need to wait on the steps or the planter box seats up by the double glass doors. We ask students not to play on the playground before this time, even with parent supervision, since this is confusing for other children who may join in, and makes Duty of Care unclear.
Thank you for your support!
Student Absences
A reminder that if your child is absent from school we would appreciate a phone call as soon as possible on the day or if this is not possible a note in their diary when they return to school. If you know in advance please put a note in their diary or send an email to their teacher.
For any absences for family holidays of 2 days or more you must request an exemption from school signed by Margie. See Tracey for this form. Please remember that every school day is important to your child's learning and development, and that teachers are not able to 'catch students up' on missed concepts. If you are able to plan holidays during the school breaks this is best for your child's education.
Would you like to volunteer?
We know that volunteers can make a significant contribution to the school community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others. We are lucky to have so many family members who are able to help by driving to and from excursions, attending camps, helping with tuck shops, on stalls and a multitude of other events. Thank you!
If you would like to volunteer on a more regular basis, there are a number of opportunities:
- Governing Council - meets twice a term on Monday evenings (full this year but contact me if interested for next year)
- Parents and Friends- meets twice a term on Wednesday evenings
- Green Team - meets twice a term after school (promoting environmental sustainability across the school)
- Classroom support (eg reading with children)
- Gardening
Please let me know by SeeSaw or email margie.sarre187@schools.sa.edu.au if you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis and I will help you to find the best fit for your skills and interests.
Pupil Free Days and School Times
Our school times and pupil free days appear in the Important Dates section of the newsletter. We will keep these updated with any changes throughout the year.
Science incursion
Thank you to Jess who organised a brilliant and engaging Science Incursion for all classes this week. The smiles tell the story!
I wish you all a wonderful fortnight! 😊