School Council Elections

Our School Council election began on Monday. Information went out on Compass on Monday morning.
If you would like to be nominated for our School Council, please see attached documents or drop into our office and grab a paper copy.
Nominations close at 4.00pm this coming Monday February 10.
Each State Government school has a School Council.
Our school council at CJC meets at least 8 times per year and operates sub committees that support the operation of the school. Meetings are held at night on-site. (This is very likely to change to Monday 8-9.30ish morning meetings.) They run for around 2 hours. Council membership is representative of the wider community and is made up of staff and school parents. On Monday 3rd February, we commenced the annual School Council election process and this will conclude later in February, with all families invited to complete ballot papers for the nominated candidates. Once elected the Council members serve a two year term and then can seek re-election via the Government directed process. Being involved in School Council is another way that you can contribute to the operation of the school. Candidates can be self nominated or nominated by other parents from the school
This year we have 3 parent positions available for a two-year term mandate.
Nomination forms attached at the below link or available at the school office.
Nomination forms must be lodged by 4.00 pm on Monday 10th Feb. 2025. No late nominations will be accepted. (They may be emailed to the school or dropped off to the office.)
List of candidates will be available Wednesday 12th Feb.
Ballot forms will be sent home with eldest student Monday 17th Feb.
The ballot will close at 4.00pm on Monday 24th Feb. 2025. No late ballot forms will be accepted.
Please supply a small candidate statement about yourself when you nominate. (No more than 150 words). This will be utilised in the election process and published within Compass to aid families in the voting process. This bio can be emailed to the school, marked 'School Council'. If you are nominated by another parent, you will be contacted when the nomination is received.
Candidate statements may include information about…
Work experience including voluntary work
Academic and professional qualifications if applicable
Skills and abilities including those that may be useful for the council (e.g. accounting, contract management, fundraising, organising events.)
Previous and current involvement with the school, and school council including sub-committees of school councils.
Reasons for standing for election
Interests and hobbies
Administration Caulfield Junior College