from the Assistant Principals  

Mrs Cathy Koch

Mrs Jacqueline Wait

Around the school...


Term Focus: Being Ready to Learn

“People have a better day because I am here as part of the HTS team.” 

Each class has co-constructed their ‘Classroom Code of Conduct,’ which now forms the basis of discussions and actions to promote a harmonious classroom and playground. Students, having a positive mindset sets them up ready to take on the challenges of learning and social situations each day. 

The Living Well Learning Well rules of living - I am safe, I am valued, respected and cared for, I am a learner, have been integral in developing positive ways students and teachers approach learning, behaviours and situations. For your reference, included and coming home today are documents outlining the ‘Student Support Framework’ on display at school and the ‘Families as Partners in Catholic School Communities’ framework. The latter describes ways that families can support their children and the school by using this framework. It may also give you some ideas to have varied conversations about school. 


Assembly Award Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who have received awards at assemblies.


Week 4

Van McDonald, Daniel Ji, Alfie Skaines, Aurellia Walton, Hudson Fisher, Jexi Waller, Alexander Butcher, Annabelle Hollingworth, George Guilfoyle, Sophia Mill, Edward Guilfoyle, Lillian Wright, Kobe Dunlop, Noah Brentnall, Peyton Frendo, Elanora Bartman, Hunter Brown, Tully Adams, Liam Sims, Stella Golding, Rowan Lawry, Ella McGavin, Scarlett Shepard, Laci-Ann David, Amity Letcher, Arlo Ward, Freya Brooker, Hamish Leader, Zoe Burdekin, Marshall Higgins, Alexis O’Connell, Matthew Daniel, Fergus Lea, Kate Parrella, Harry Gibbs, Bailey Buxton, Cohen James, Charlie Schwark, Beau Johns, Evelyn Jinesh, Ayda Murphy, Evie Selig, Jed Wheaton, Caleb Hoskin, Zahara Kimmince, 


Week 5

Hallie Cutmore, Tori Brown, Minhaya Sargent, Charlotte Clarke, Chase Carter, Rony Brooker, Dusty Stewart, Athena Taylor-Connolly, Clarence Marere, Shayaan Narain, Banjo Stewart, Ryder Davis, Riley Buxton, Matilda Andrews, Olivia Pages, Archie McPhee, Precious Alexander, Korbyn Krauss, Remedy Iskov, Emerson Edwards, Jackson Coleman, Charlie McLeod, Nolan Morgan, Florence Wright, Rebecca Bryant, Oliver Pilcher, Sree Gadde, Henry McCosker, Laci-Ann David, Braxton Anderson, Tyler Van Duuren, Darcy Celler, Isabel Caskey, Henry Chester, Zach Andrews, Annabelle Apthorpe, Ross Dresu, Will Irwin, Elsie McCosker, Zayne Cleal, Alice Da Silva, Harvey Edwards, Harlow Lea, Elsie Guest, Milly Dunlop

General Permission Notes / Information Updates / Media Release Forms / Attendance at Sacred Heart Church

Parents are asked to consent via Compass if they have not already done so. We appreciate the prompt return of these essential documents.

Upcoming Dates:

March 3 - March 14 - K-3 Personalised Planning Meetings (PP’s). Mrs Stewart has contacted families involved via Compass. Please select an appointment time as soon as possible.


March 12- 21 - NAPLAN for years 3, 5, 7 and 9. We encourage all students in these grades to be at school during this time. Please schedule appointments outside of school hours if possible. Ensuring a good night’s sleep and eating breakfast are essential for optimal performance. Students will also need to have earphones at school if they don’t already have them. The school's planned Naplan test schedule will be provided to families in a separate letter. 


Friday, March 21 - Year 2-6 Cross Country (at Complex). Further information will be published on this.


Tuesday, March 25 - K-6 Family Conferences for all families not involved in K-3 PP meetings. Family conferences provide a valuable way for teachers and families to speak about how your child is progressing at school. Family Conferences are held in the hall from 3:30 pm. A Compass notification will be sent out when bookings are available. 


K-6 Teaching Staff 

Robyn Ditchfield KD

Erin Muggleton KM

Laurelle Wales 1W

Tania Moore 1M

Carmel McCosker 2M

Cath Doyle 2D

Terri-Lea Selig 3S

Elissa Murphy 3M

Casey Lea 4L

Amanda White 4WL

Cath Lane 4WL

Peter Baz 5B

Kate McCosker 6M

Courtney Fleming 5F

Jaide Daniels 6D

Aimee Gaias 6G

Sam Gleeson  RFF + Sport

Maryann Wilson RFF

Katrina Morris RFF

Madlen Heap RFF + EALD

Staff Email Addresses

Mr Peter Baz

Mrs Jaide Daniels

Mrs Robyn Ditchfield

Mrs Cath Doyle

Miss Courtney Fleming

Mrs Aimee Gaias

Mrs Samantha Gleeson

Mrs Madlen Heap

Mrs Catherine Lane

Mrs Casey Lea

Miss Carmel McCosker

Miss Kate McCosker

Mrs Tania Moore

Mrs Katrina Morris

Mrs Erin Muggleton

Mrs Elissa Murphy

Mrs Terri-Lea Selig

Mrs Laurelle Wales

Mrs Amanda White

Ms Mary Ann Wilson