Principal's News
Sue Simadri
Principal's News
Sue Simadri
Welcome to our first school newsletter for 2025!
I hope the holidays provided you the chance to unwind, relax and enjoy time with family and friends.
The start of a new school year is always exciting as we begin afresh with a renewed direction, targeted goals, and a wealth of possibilities! As a staff, the first two days were put to great use in building a common understanding of our focus areas for the year to ensure common language and consistency of approach.
It has been a pleasure to visit the classrooms and see students’ enthusiasm and engagement. Thank you to our teachers for preparing a great start to the school year.
We have had our youngest children begin school this week, some tears and lots of excitement, parents and children alike! A warm welcome also to the many new families and students who have started across the school - Welcome to Clayton North!
There is often lots of information that is conveyed across our many platforms – Compass, Seesaw, the newsletter - please endeavour to keep yourself informed of all that is happening at school, especially aspects that we need your involvement with.
If you do have any questions, ideas or queries throughout the year, please see your child’s class teacher, the office staff, Josie or myself. We are only too happy to clarify or fill you in about your child’s learning or other activities around the school. We look forward to working productively with each of you, throughout the 2025 school year.
Thank you to parents and families for getting your children to school regularly - student attendance has been above 90% every week so far. The standard has certainly been set for this year!
Students must be at school by 8.45am so that they can prepare to actively engage in the morning reading routine to begin their school day. Students arriving after 9am must be signed in at the office and will be given a 'late pass' to take to their teacher. Parents can submit an absence or late note via Compass.
Breakfast Club operates every school day from 7.30 to 8.30am - this is a great way for children to get to know other students and have something nutritious to eat first thing in the morning. Register your child for this free service at the office.
Camp Australia run the after-school program from 3.30 to 6.30pm every school day. This is a paid service, and children can be enrolled online; please see the last page of this newsletter for additional information.
Class/Subject | Teacher |
00A | Akshpreet |
00B | Mirren |
1/2A | Hourig |
1/2B | Dilan |
1/2C | Naomi |
3/4A | Leannder & Chris |
3/4B | Sean |
3/4C | Manpreet |
5/6A | Radhika |
5/6B | Precious |
EAL | Joanne & Mia |
Japanese | Rebecca |
Performing Arts | Jenny |
Physical Education | Chris |
Visual Art | Bronwyn |
Role | Support Staff |
Classroom | Emma |
Classroom | Kathie |
Classroom | Pramodha |
Multicultural Education Aide | Herlina |
Business Manager | Kym |
Office | Gaya |
Office | Linda |
Student Wellbeing Officer | Arun |
Breakfast Club | Pramodha |
Clayton North School Council guides the policy and budgetary decision making in the school. We generally meet twice a term. Please note that our first School Council meeting will be held next Tuesday 19 February where the current (2024) School Counsellors will reside. If you are interested in being part of the new 2025 School Council, we are currently calling for nominations.
While it is an important part of school operations, School Council members do not need any special expertise, experience or skills. The most important thing is that you want to contribute to continually improving learning opportunities for all children at CNPS.
The nomination form is attached below or can be collected from the office. All nominations must be submitted by 3.30pm on Monday 17th February.
Thank you to parents for taking the opportunity provided to meet with your child's classroom teacher to share vital information about his/her learning requirements and to discuss any concerns regarding academic, social and emotional development. The sharing of relevant background information such as a child’s academic strengths, their social and emotional competencies, their family circumstances or medical/health information, is invaluable to a teacher catering for a child in their care.
If your child has special medical needs – allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma etc – please ensure the school has an up-to-date record. In particular, with regard to anaphylaxis, asthma and allergies, we require the Action Plan from your family doctor. It is vital that we meet our duty of care requirements and these medical plans are an important way to ensure your child’s safety.
Students across the school have a variety of allergies. You will receive a notice early next week, if there is a child in your child's class that has a particular allergy. Please ensure that you avoid sending these foods to school, so that we can reduce the possibility of areaction.
REMINDER: NO NUTS AT SCHOOL PLEASE. This includes peanut butter and nutella spreads.
Just a few reminders…
Sue Simadri