Education in Faith
Faith, Family, Friendship
Education in Faith
Faith, Family, Friendship
On Sunday 16th February many of our families joined with our Parish community and attended the Prep Welcome Mass. It was wonderful to see so many of our students and families at Sunday Mass. Father spoke beautifully to our students about how Jesus is our superhero.
After Mass there was a beautiful morning tea catered for by the parish community.
Here are the dates for the other Parish level masses this year. More information will be sent to families closer to the time.
All Masses will be at 9:15 in the Chapel, friends and family are warmly invited to join us.
Mass roster Term One:
26/2 - 4KR
5/3 Ash Wednedsday Mass (Whole School)
12/3 - 4DF
19/3 - 4CW
26/3 - 5AJ
2/4 - 5JT
A letter will be sent next week to the students from Grade 3 to Grade 6, inviting them to become Altar Servers at our whole school masses. They are also welcome to altar serve at weekend masses too. Please read and return the form if your child is interested.
Thank you
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is approaching. The workshops for Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday the 12th of March at 4pm and 5:30pm. The ceremony will be held on the 25th of March at 5pm and 7pm. An email for registration for this sacrament will be forwarded to you.
Corinne Davis
Religious Education Leader
Marianne Condon
Sacrament Program Coordinator
Last Sunday we welcomed our prep children and their families at the 9am mass. It was lovely to see so many children and their families at the mass. After mass there was a light morning tea served. Many thanks must go to the Ladies Group of the Parish who prepared the beautiful food and also helped to serve and clean up afterwards. We are a truly blessed Parish.
On Friday 28th February there will be a Prep Parent Welcome Dinner commencing at 6.00 pm in the Community Centre. It will be a great opportunity for parents to meet other parents with prep children. We hope that you enjoy the night.
Lent begins soon on Ash Wednesday 5th March. There will be a whole school mass at 9.15 am in the Church and an evening mass at 7.00 pm in the Chapel. The Parish this year will focus on HOPE especially for countries in our world that are experiencing change in a destructive way. The First week of Lent will focus on the country and people of Gaza.
The Parish will also be running a Lenten Program. Groups will meet on Monday mornings in the Parish House and Wednesday evenings at a parishioner’s home. There could also be a group on Thursday afternoons however, this will depend on numbers who express interest. If you are interested in joining the Program, contact the Parish House on 7036 9395 and we will add your name to the list.
Blessings from the staff at the Parish House.