Dear Parents,
Welcome back everyone to the 2025 school year. I do hope your holidays were relaxing and you are ready for another busy year!
A very special welcome to our new children and their families. We are sure you will enjoy your time at Bathurst Public School.
Our new Kinder children commenced school this morning. It was wonderful to see all our new children and their parents. A big BPS welcome to you all. We know you will love learning and playing at Bathurst Public School.
All the staff are well rested and ready and organised for another great year. A big welcome to our newest staff members, Mrs Kate Reilly who will teach 3-6R, Miss Nicola Webster (returning to BPS after leave) who will teach 1/2W, Mrs Lorelle Calder (returning to BPS after leave) who will teach 5/6C and Mrs Liz Dowler who will work full time in the front office.
As indicated at the assembly on Thursday morning, the children have been placed into tentative classes. We should know by the middle of next week what the final set-up of classes will be.
Congratulations to our new Leadership team for 2025 that were announced at last year’s presentation day. On Tuesday 11th February, our 2025 School Captains and House Captains will be inducted. This ceremony will commence at 9.30am in the McMullen Hall. Parents and friends are welcome to join us on this special occasion.
On Thursday 13th February our Annual School Swimming Carnival will be held at the Bathurst Aquatic Centre. Children in years 3-6 as well as those children in Year 2 who are turning 8 this year and can swim 50m unaided are eligible to attend. Notes have been sent home today on the parent portal and require permission and payment by the 12th February please.
Our School Photos will be taken on Thursday 20th February. We will be using Advanced School Photography. Information about paying for School Photos is included in this Newsletter. Photo envelopes have been sent home with children today.
Infants (Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2) and Primary (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) Assemblies in Term 1 will be held on Wednesday 19th February, Wednesday 19th March and Wednesday 9th April. Infants Assemblies will be held from 12.40pm-1.15pm in the McMullen Hall. Primary Assemblies will be held from 2.10pm-2.50pm in the McMullen Hall. All parents and friends are very welcome to join us to celebrate our accomplishments.
As a staff we continue to modify our Assessment and Reporting practices so we can ensure parents obtain feedback each term on their child’s progress from their child’s classroom teacher. At any time, if parents have any concerns or issues about your child’s learning, you are encouraged to contact the school to make an appointment to speak with your child’s classroom teacher. The Assessment and Reporting schedule for 2025 is:
- Term 1 Week 5 – Thursday 27th February – Support Unit Parent/Teacher Interviews
- Term 1 Week 6 - Tuesday 4th March - Thursday 6th March – Parent/Teacher Interviews
- Term 2 Week 9 – Semester 1 Reports home
- Term 3 – Parent/Teacher Interviews
- Term 4 Week 9 - Semester 2 Reports home
Parent/Teacher Interviews have been organised for Thursday 27th February for the Support Unit classes and Tuesday 4th March - Thursday 6th March for all other classes. These meetings will allow parents to meet teachers, talk about what is to be taught this year and how your child has settled into the 2025 school year, plans for the school year, class expectations and parent expectations. Interviews will be able to be booked on the Sentral Parent portal soon.
The timetable for Parent/Teacher Interviews in week 4 and 6 is as follows:
Thursday 27th February – K-2H, K-6R, 3-6J, 3-6R and 3-6B
Tuesday 4th March – 5/6D, 5/6C, 5/6B and 5/6L
Wednesday 5th March– KD, KM, 1/2M, 1/2G, 1/2W, 1/2S and 1/2I
Thursday 6th March – 3/4F, 3/4T, 3/4GW and 4/5W
Food Allergies - We do have several children at our school who have peanut allergies and have severe reactions if exposed to this food. Parents are asked to be mindful of this when packing recess and lunch and are encouraged not to send products which contain nuts in them to school.
A general reminder:-
- All items of clothing and personal belongings should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
- All children require a broad brimmed hat each day as our school has a “No Hat, No Play” policy.
- All gates around our school are kept closed during the day. This is a to ensure our children and staff are able to learn and play in a safe and happy environment. When parents and friends come to the school during the day, please come to the gate in George street and press the buzzer. The office staff will then open the gate. Please ensure you QR code in (QR code on the gate area). All parents and visitors should present to the front office on arrival. This is a Legal and Workplace Safety requirement and is followed for the safety and security of all children and staff.
- We continue to encourage parents to make appointments to come and talk about your child’s progress, problems that may arise, ideas etc. It is reminded that the education of your child is a team effort with teachers and parents being the main stakeholders. It takes a village to raise a child! With this in mind, it is an important reminder that parent/teacher relationships always need to be cohesive and supportive and one of mutual respect. I am sure we will all continue to work with one another in a positive and productive manner.
- All notes are sent out through the Sentral Parent portal. Permission and payments for activities occurs through the portal as well. If at any time you need support with the Sentral Parent portal, please contact the school.
Some important dates to start the 2025 school year;
- Friday 7th February – School Canteen reopens
- Tuesday 11th February – 2025 Leadership Team Induction Ceremony at 9.30am in the McMullen Hall
- Thursday 13th February – School Swimming Carnival
- Wednesday 19th February – P&C Meeting at 6.30pm in the staffroom
- Wednesday 19th February - K-2 Assembly 12.40pm in the McMullen Hall
- Wednesday 19th February - 3-6 Assembly 2.00pm in the McMullen Hall
- Thursday 20th February - School Photos
- Thursday 27th February – Support Class Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Friday 28th February - District Swimming Carnival
- Monday 3rd March – Friday 7th March – K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews
- Wednesday 5th March – Makeup School Photo day
- Wednesday 12th March-Monday 24th March - NAPLAN for all Year 3 and Year 5 children
- Wednesday 19th March - K-2 Assembly 12.40pm in the McMullen Hall
- Wednesday 19th March - 3-6 Assembly 2.00pm in the McMullen Hall
- Friday 28th March - Touch Football Gala day for our girls Touch Football team
- Friday 4th April - Netball Gala day for our School Netball team
- Wednesday 9th April - K-2 Assembly 12.40pm in the McMullen Hall
- Wednesday 9th April - 3-6 Assembly 2.00pm in the McMullen Hall
- Wednesday 9th April - Green Award Morning Tea
- Friday 10th April – Easter Hat Parade
- Friday 11th April – Last Day Term 1
If any parent has concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kate White