Construction update

Junior Building Refurbishment

  • Mod-5 classrooms are now in place in the car park. There’s still some electrical/technology setup to be done, and carpentry for stairs/ramps before we can move classrooms and students into their new temporary spaces.

  • Next week, we’ll be receiving additional student toilets, incl DDA (they’ll be positioned next to Frank’s shed, facing the BER) and unisex staff toilets (alongside Sebastopol Street, facing the BER).

  • We will also take possession of a storage container (alongside Sebastopol Street, facing the BER).

  • We’re aiming to have the classrooms decanted into the Mod-5s by the end of the month

  • Once we’ve moved into the Mod-5s, the Junior Building will be fenced off, and scaffolding will go up around the building. We will maintain access to the portables via a walkway.

  • Gate 3 (Salisbury Street) will remain closed for the duration of the works.

  • The project is currently slated to be completed by late July.

  • Families of directly impacted class rooms will receive targeted notifications via Compass with specific details of their new classrooms. 

  • Please keep in mind that while we may mention dates/timeframes - real life sometimes gets in the way of even the best-laid plans!

Senior Playground Upgrade

  • Playground area will be fenced off at some stage on Friday 21/02 to facilitate commencement of works on Monday 24/02

  • Completion of works is estimated to be 7th March

Please note that the above dates are indicative and subject to change.