We are delighted to be launching a fun new program this year - STEM! Students will be able to build on what they have learned in past years in Technology and Science as we work through some fun units and projects together.


Our STEM team this year includes Mrs McKee, Mrs Pratt, Mr Webster, Mrs McCaughan, Mrs Richards and Mrs Dalton. We started our STEM program with the teachers dressing up as scientists or people who work in the Science field. The students had lots of fun exploring and using a variety of equipment/resources relating to the areas of Biological Science, Chemical Science, Physical Science and Earth/Space Science. Older students were also able to sort the resources into the correct areas.


Following on from this, we then explored resources and equipment relating to Digital Technology and revised our knowledge from last year. We discussed how we use technology, how it helps us and what it means to be online. As part of Setting Up For Success we considered how we can be safe, respectful and responsible online, as well as when we should seek help from an adult and who our “Support Crew” of trusted adults are at home as well as at school.


In Week 3 our Prep, Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 6 attended a session with Sam from the Cyber Safety Project to discuss how to be safe online. 


For the remainder of Term One, students will be focussing on an area of science, working through the scientific process and using technology as part of a STEM unit of work.


We are excited to see what the students can learn and for the year ahead!


The STEM team!